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Octavia's P.O.V.

It's been a week seen Marcel came to visit us, and since the whole vervain situation. Once everyone else found out about the vervain sabotage they wanted revenge. Harry wanted to sleep with Elena to get revenge on Damon, Nikki and Charlie wanted to torture him and his friends, as for Jacob, Tori, and Destiny they just wanted to have a civil conservation with them at just having peace. I wanted to kill him and all his friends, but I knew I couldn't do that, if I did it could come back and bite me in the ass.

"Babydoll, breakfast is ready," Ricky informed as he walked into my room and sat on my bed with me.

"Everything okay? I've noticed you've been spaced out a lot this week." he asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest.

"Yeah I'm fine just have a lot on my mind lately, but I'm okay," I replied laying my head on his shoulder.

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded. "Okay well as much as I love your pajama shorts you need to go get ready for the day, and come eat breakfast." he chuckled and left the room.

Once he left I took a quick shower got dressed(A/N her outfit on top). I went downstairs to the kitchen to see the person that I hate most in this world. The person that I despise most on this planet, Hayley fucking Marshall.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh hey Octavia," she smirked

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her angrily.

"Oh, you know, just came to visit my friends," she replied, looking at her nails as Destiny walked in to set the table.

"Octavia for god sakes be polite to our guest," Destiny exclaimed, resting her hand on my shoulder.

Running down the staircase, came Nikki, Charlie, and Jacob, probably to see what was going on, but then again those three eat the most, so probably also for the food.

"Ew, why is there a rat in the kitchen?" asked Nikki, giving Hayley a dirty look, that's why she's my one of my best friend and drinking buddy. Destiny gave Nikki a look, the look, the shut the hell up or I'll smack the hell out of you look.

"Girls in the library, now," Destiny demanded. She turned and walked towards the library, not giving us time to complain. Nikki and I trailed behind her, me being me was not going to give the satisfaction to Hayley. I turned and flipped Hayley off, as I flipped her off Nikki faked cough and mumbled "Bitch" under her breathe, which caused Charlie and Jacob to burst out laughing.

"GIRLS, LIBRARY, NOW," Destiny exclaimed. Once we were in the library she shut the door behind her.

"Okay not to be mean or anything, but why the fuck is she here?" Nikki asked.

"She needed a place to stay, so I offered her to stay here until she can get back on her feet," Destiny explained. Nikki and I looked at each other, the that bitch is lieing face

"Wait since when are we running a fucking hotel?" I exclaimed. Destiny shook her head and before she could say anything the door bell ran upstairs. A few moments later Tori came downstairs.

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's a girl upstairs that looks exactly like Octavia's sister and says that her name's Katherine, and that she's looking for Octavia," She explained. Once I got upstairs I saw the one and only Katherine fucking Pierce.

"Who would of thought that Katerina Petrova would be turning up at my doorstep?," I said sarcastically smirking.

"You gonna let me in?" she asked smirking. I opened the door more to let her in. She slowly walked in while looking around.

Octavia Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now