Chapter 1

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The morning alarm went of and so I reluctantly dragged my self out of bed and into the bathroom to do my morning routine. After finishing my neutral makeup look, I got dressed into a pair of black jeans and and a blue cardigan. Pulling on my denim jacked I skipped downstairs.

Grabbing a spoon, I indulged myself into a few scoops of Nutella. What? Don't judge me. Nutella is a totally acceptable breakfast. Honest. Swinging my bad over my shoulder. I headed out the door and made my way to school.

As I walked straight through the doors of hell, AKA school, I was immediately barrelled into by best friend, also known as Vee.


"Vee. Breathe hunny breathe" I said as I slowly removed my fingers from her lips to make breathing motions.  She can get a little excited at times. You see, I'm more of a shy, anti-social person whilst Vee is the total opposite. Vee is well, Vee.

Rolling her eyes, she tried again." We have some new students joining our school. And guess where they're from? The black skulls." Her eyes went wide in excitement.

"The black skulls? What's that?" I asked, frowning in confusion. Vee again, rolled her eyes. She was just about to explain when the bell went, signalling our late to class. Together, we ran towards classrooms.




"Students, open to page 103, start the questions."

We all groaned, but said nothing. Just as we were about to start writing, the door slammed open and in walked 3 of the hottest guys I have ever seen. I'm not even kidding. All of them had a perfect build with sharp jawline and perfectly white teeth. 

"Ah, you must be the new students. Introduce yourself and take a seat boys." 

The one on the right, blue eyes and blond hair, flashed a charming smile and winked at one of the girls. "Cam" he said and walked toward the seat at the front.Some girls giggled and others waved.

The one on the left went next, his black eyes and coloured hair enchanting everyone in the room. "Grayson" he sat on the other end in the far back. As he went everyone's eyes were on the last. 

His defined features, grey eyes and black hair had all the girls falling and all the guys wanting to be him. Some of the desperate's in the class went as far as pushing up their non existent boobs and pouting a what they thought was a sexy look. However, he didn't even look at them. Instead his eyes locked into mine, burning holes through my skull. He smirked and strode over, taking the empty seat next to me. "Ash" he said in a deep voice, his eyes never once leaving my mine. I shivered and quickly looked away, ignoring the feeling in my stomach.




As class went by Ash wouldn't stop staring. I was so uncomfortable so I turned to him a shot him the scariest glare I could. But for some reason he just let out a low chuckle. "Why are you laughing. Your supposed to be scared" I wailed frowning. 

"Scared? Of you? No offence kitten but your incapable of being scary"he smirked. I let out an overly dramatic gasp. I opened my mouth but snapped it shut immediately. Kitten?  "what did you just call me?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. But before he could reply, the teacher called us out for talking. I quickly apologised whilst he just sat there smirking.

The bell went and the student rushed out of class quicker than I can say carrots. Well, most of them went. Ash stayed back, waiting for me by the door. As I walked out he walked with me. "So kitten, I never did get your name" he asked smiling. I was about to speak when I noticed everyone staring at us as we walked. The guys wide eyed and the girls sending daggers my way. What did I do?  "Helooo" Ash waved his hand in front of me. 

"oh uh it's um K-Katrina. K-Katrina  B-Brennan" I replied suddenly nervous.

"Aww kitten are you nervous? Don't worry kitten, I don't bite" he laughed. My face turned a deep shade of red as I looked up at him. Woah, boy was he tall. Like freaking jack the giant tall. "I- Im not nervous. why would I be?" I challenged. Suddenly I was pushed back onto the lockers, his lips brushing again my ear. A growl emitted from his throat. I tried to push him back, but he caught my hand against his chest. "Mine." he grunted.

 "W-What" I was so scared. I didn't know why but the way his whole mood just changed, his body language making my body shiver in delight. 

Before anything else could happen, a new voice joined in. "Hey gorgeous" Ash spun around to come face to face with Cam. Ash let out another growl, glaring at what he called me. Anyone else would have shrunk in fear, but Cam simply just laughed it off. "You don't mind if I just steal Ash for a moment do you? We um, have some business to take care of. No? Great! Bye!" And before I could even react, they were gone. 

Still shocked from what just happened, I wandered aimlessly along the corridors, looking for my next class distractedly. But before I could find it i was pulled into the girls bathroom and slammed against the wall, a piercing throb of pain shooting to my head. "What the he-"

"Shut up bitch"

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