Chapter 3

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"Shut up bitch" 

I looked up in a haze, to see a tall, cake-faced blonde with her two 'friends' by her side, AKA,  Ashley the Queen bee and her minions. She took a step towards me and laughed. "Did you really think you could try and take what's mine." she spat, her eyes narrowing in on me. What is she talking about? What's her's? 

"God, your just so pathetic. You should be thankful I'm teaching you a lesson. I mean, did you actually believe a guy like him would go for a girl like you. Please bitch. Just give up already." 

I tried to open my mouth, to say something, anything, but the pain and confusion binding me. I should be used to it by now, but I wasn't. What lesson? I don't get it. I put my hand on the floor, trying to push myself up. But she kicked my arm, causing my to bang my head on the cold, tile floor once again. She lay another kick on me, right in the stomach, whilst her minions just stood their and laughed, calling me names and swearing at me. I tried to defend myself, but my mouth filled with a metallic coppery taste and before I knew it, I blacked out. But just before I gave into the darkness, I heard one last thing.

"Stay away from Ash you slut, or else."





As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I took in my surroundings. I wasn't in my house, that was for sure. The bed I lay on was big and comfy, the walls simple but stylish. Next to me was a bed stand, with a glass of water and a lamp. I dragged my eyes towards the booming voice by the door frame. Ash?  I quickly got out of  bed, the memories rushing to my head. Bathroom, Ashley, stay away.

He turned around, his eyes widening in surprise as they met mine. "You're awake. How do you feel?" He asked making his way towards me. Instinctively, I took a step back. He gave me a confused look before speaking again. "Here, have some water" He took the glass and held it towards me. I looked at it, then at him, before slowly taking it. I took a sip and cleared my voice. "um, h-how did I get here?" I asked. 

He cocked is head slight to one side, before frowning. " You don't remember?" he asked. I shook my head as a no. " You were found by that blonde girl and her friends in the bathroom bleeding, they took you to the school nurse but your injuries were too severe, so I brought you here and had you checked by the doctor." he explain. I nodded my head in understatement before my eyes fell on the clock. 

  6:43. crap. 

"u-um, thanks for um everything. I'm j-just gonna g-get going n-now" I said, quickly moving towards the door. I know it was rude, but I was supposed to be home an hour ago. I didn't want to make the forthcoming beating worse than it already is. And besides, I was supposed to stay away from him, not stay with him.  I scurried across the large room and reached for the door handle, twisting and pulling. The door opened slightly before it was slammed shut by a large hand. I jumped at the growl from behind me. 

"You have a cut lip, a bruised stomach and a limp. Your staying here where I can take care of you"  His eyes were angry and worried, though I didn't understand why. He probably just pity's me or something. I mean, look at me. I'm pathetic.

"I-I really n-need to g-get home" I trembled. The thought of what my dad was going to do to me was enough to send shivers down my spine. And not the good kind.

His eyes flashed with something I couldn't register and he raised his hand. Immediately, I flinched and cowered away in fear. However, the blow I was expecting didn't come. I opened one eye to see the look of horror and concern on his face.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?" he asked, his voice soft and dangerous. I didn't say anything, instead I just looked down, not knowing what he was capable of.

"Kitten look at me" he said. When I continued to stare at my feet he grabbed my chin and pulled my head up. "Kitten, I would never hurt you."

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