Chapter 7

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Straight after school I made my way home, avoiding Vee even though I know she'll be worried about me. I love her but sometimes, she just asks too many questions and I feel my self about to slip up, so I just avoid her.

 My dad was going to be absolutely livid with me. I dreaded going home but I had to at some point. I turned into my street and stood in front of my door. 3:19. Better now than later.

I reached for the door handle but instead, the door flew open before me, revealing my smiling dad. I opened my mouth to speak, but as always, nothing came out. I hung my head low, accepting my punishment. Why was I so weak?

He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me inside. The once-comforting but now terrifying aroma that filled the house now filled my nose. I gulped and took a few steps forward, away from my dad and towards the staircase, but he pulled me back.

SMACK. "Welcome home slut" SMACK.


That night  I lay on my bed in tears. The pain was nothing new, but it still hurt like hell. I clutched my stomach tighter as more pain shot through my abdomen. 

All of a sudden, my phone started to ring. I flinched, startled and surprised.I stared at the lit screen. Unknown number. I pressed answer.


"Hey kitten" my eyes widened in surprise at the voice.

"A-Ash? Is this y-you?" I asked. Dammit. Why was I so nervous around him?

"Well, unless there's another guy calling you kitten at this time of the night." He pause for a second before adding "Should I be worried?"

I let out a small chuckle. Even through the pain, talking to Ash brought me comfort. I don't know why or how but it did. 

"How did you get my number?" I asked, suddenly creeped out. I know for sure I didn't give him my number.

"The tall excited human girl gave it to me"


"yup." Big mouth.

We talked for about ten more minutes when suddenly Ash said he had to quickly go. He said it would only take a second so don't hang up the phone. I was confused and a little curious but I knew it wasn't my place to ask, so I just said okay. 

After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.

"Katrina." His voice sound serious, worried and angry. I shivered at the tone as fear swept over me out of habit.


"Are you okay?" He asked, but his voice was strained. Did I do something wrong?

"Y-yes. Why would you ask me that?" I waited for a reply but it never came. He hung up on me.

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