You get changed and go into each of the rooms to get the mattresses and covers stripped. When you get to Ratliff's room you notice some blood on the sheet. You ignore it and continue. It starts to worry you when you see some more on the mattress. When you take the mattress off you see a knife that looks like it's been recently used. Has Ratliff, been cutting himself? You rush downstairs to see Stormie.
YN- Stormie I need to tell you something.
Stormie- Would it be ok to share it with the rest of us seeing as it sounds like an emergency.
You realise everyone is sat down eating breakfast. Even Ratliff.
YN- Well it's about Ratliff.
Ratliff wheels towards you.
Ratliff- YN can I see you outside a minute.
You help him out of the room.
Ratliff- Ok, you are not going to tell anybody about what you know.
YN- Ratliff, I'm scared, I don't want you to kill yourself.
Ratliff- Why should I live when I am just going to end up in hospital again?
YN- Because everyone loves you as a friend, brother or boyfriend.
Ratliff- I can't play the drums anymore so what's the point in me living life. I should just go and find your ex and ask him to shoot me in the heart. Then I can see how much you lot care about me.
YN- Ratliff.
Ratliff- No. I'm serious, I want to die ok. I WANT TO DIE!
Rydel- Ratliff?
Ratliff- Rydel. I'm sorry, I've just been so freakin annoyed that I can't do anything!
Rydel- Ratliff I don't want you to die cause I love you more than any of these losers.
All- HEY!
Rydel- No offence. But I love you Ratliff and I never want that to change.
Ratliff- Can you help me through my cutting?
Rydel- Wait you've been cutting yourself.
Ratliff- It helps with the pain of can't do anythingness.
Rydel- Of course I'll help you through it.
She hugs him tightly but not too tight in case she hurts him.
(A/N: Sorry it's so short I am having too much of writer's block lately. Hope your enjoying it.)

R5 Family
FanfictionHere's the brief. YN: Your Name FN: Friends Name You and your friend find out about a competition to get two backstage passes to the next R5 concert. You both enter together. This story will be about love, heartbreak and lots of music.