You all left the house as Rydel said that Ratliff was missing. It was around lunch time so maybe Ratliff had gone into town for a snack. Riker gives all of you a lift into town and stops in the central car park. Then you all slipt up and try to look for him. You try looking in shops, cafes and even bars. But there was no sign of him. You all return back to central park.
Riker- Any luck?
YN- Nope.
FN- Nada.
Rocky- Zilch.
Ross- Nothing.
Ryland- Same here.
Amy- Ditto.
Lauren- No luck.
Rydel- I'm really worried guys. What if he has gotten hurt?
Riker- Ratliff wouldn't be that silly. Would he?
Rocky- He can be clumsy sometimes.
FN- Guys what if he's fallen and is unconscious?
Riker- We have to find him, and fast!
You couldn't find him anywhere. You looked at the bar that he used to see Amy at, the dance studio, but no sign. You all decided to stop for some lunch at a nearby cafe. Nobody could really eat anything because you were all so worried that Ratliff could be badly hurt or even worse. The only thing you had was a hot chocolate. Your eyes were fixed on Rydel. Her eyes were red from all the crying. It would be dark soon and you still hadn't found him.
By dinner you were back home and Stormie cooked you all something to eat. Even then you couldn't eat it all. You were all still worried about Ratliff. Amy was still thinking where he could be.
Amy- Where else do you think he could go?
Rydel- Ratliff would never go anywhere else without us.
Rocky- Well Rydel. News flash. He has.
FN- If he was injured wouldn't somebody have found him?
Riker- We've rung the hospital. No Ellington Lee Ratliff.
Ryland- Well he's not injured then.
Lauren- But he could be. Just no-one's found him yet.
YN- *muttering* No-one can find him. That's it!
All- What?!
YN- Where's the one place that no-one ever goes?!
All- Umm....
YN- Maybe somewhere old, and run-down?
All- Hmm...
YN- Guys! The abandoned factory!
All- Ah!
Rydel- Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go already!
Riker and Rydel drive their cars with you all sat in there. When you arrive at the abandoned factory you all jump out of the cars and run inside. The enterance door creaks as it opens. When you are all inside the door closes behind you and slams. It makes you think like your in a horror movie. As Riker talks the room echos his voice.
Riker- If I can remember what my grandparents said about this place I think they said that there is a small room just up some small stairs. I think he could be in there.
Rydel- I hope he isn't hurt.
It was dark outside now and cause there was no lights that worked in the factory the only light you had was from the moon shining through the broken windows. You all walk up the small flight of stairs that leads towards the room that Riker mentioned. Riker holds your waist to make sure you don't fall. You know that you'll be fine but it was nice of him to hold you even though the R5 gang were in a rough situation at the moment. Ross is the first to get to the door so when he knows that you were all there he opens the door. It creaks like the one at the enterance. The room is darker than one room downstairs. You can see something moving at the back of the room. It's covered in dust and hiding behind a stack of boxes. The rest of the gang notice it too. Rocky edges a bit closer to it. You follow his lead. Then you see the thing blink.
Rydel- RATLIFF!!!

R5 Family
FanfictionHere's the brief. YN: Your Name FN: Friends Name You and your friend find out about a competition to get two backstage passes to the next R5 concert. You both enter together. This story will be about love, heartbreak and lots of music.