Riker- Me and you are going to see the new Captain America!!!
YN- Hell yeah!
This brings your happiness right up.
YN- Are we gonna dress for the occasion?
Rocky- I've already got that sorted. I went out yesterday and bought you both matching tops!
YN- Yay thanks Rocky!
You get up and give him a hug.
Lizzie- Hands off my boyfriend!
Rocky- Lizzie chill!
Lizzie- Sorry. *smiles*
Lauren- Don't have a go a Rocky just because YN wanted to give him a friendly hug. Why are you so protective all of a sudden?
Lizzie- Well you stole Ross off me and I don't want that to happen to Rocky.
YN- It's ok Lizzie I'm not going to steal him. I have Riker.
Lizzie- And Riker has FN!
YN- You take that back!
Lizzie- Never!
You walk out of the room and into your bedroom. You slam the door and burst into tears. What sort of a friend is Lizzie and what's gotten into her lately?Knock knock!
Riker- YN?
YN- What?
Riker- You ok?
YN- Are you ok?
Riker- I asked you first.
YN- I asked you second.
Riker laughs at your little joke.
Riker- Just forget Lizzie she isn't worth crying over. Think about later on when we're watching Captain America.
YN- Your right.
Riker- Here's your top.*Captain America outfits - http://www.polyvore.com/captain_america_outfits/set?id=118907960 *
Riker puts on the shirt and some jeans. Then he hands you your top.
YN- Wow they do match!
Riker- I know! Come on put it on.
You put your top on with some jeans on too.
Riker- You look gorgeous!
YN- So do you.You arrive at the cinema, get the tickets and sit at the back of the theatre. After ten minutes the movie starts. At a part of the movie Captain America fights about ten people in an elevator.
YN- Don't you think the movie would be better if you were Captain America.
Riker- I guess so.
YN- I would have a huge FGM.
FGM- Fan Girl Moment.
Riker- You are funny you know that.
YN- Nope. Don't know what your talking about.
Riker- This is what I mean.
???- Be quiet your ruining the movie!
Riker- I don't care I have my girl.
YN- Aww Riker.
???2- Shut up!
Lady- You are interupting the movie either leave or be quiet.
Riker- I'm sorry.
Lady- Wait are you Riker, Riker Lynch?
Riker- Yeah? Do I know you?
Lady- I am your biggest fan!
Riker- Actually my biggest fan is this girl sat right next to me.
Girl- Who me?
Riker- No other side.
YN- You got that right. So can you leave us alone because we are trying to watch the movie and you lot are interupting so either leave or be quiet.
Riker laughs as the lady walks away.
Riker- Now do you see what I mean?
YN- What, about the people fan girling you?
Riker- No, your funniness.
YN- Ohh. *smiles*
Riker- Come here.
You thought he would cuddle up to you but instead he kisses you. In front of Captain America. Then you cuddle up to him and watch the rest of the movie.When you get back home it's quite late and your tired. Your too tired to reach your room so Riker picks you up and carries you. He lies you on your bed puts the covers over you and kisses your forehead.
Riker- Good night. Come and wake me in the morning ok.
YN- Yep. *yawning* Good night.END OF PART :)

R5 Family
FanfictionHere's the brief. YN: Your Name FN: Friends Name You and your friend find out about a competition to get two backstage passes to the next R5 concert. You both enter together. This story will be about love, heartbreak and lots of music.