Part 9 » Are you drunk?

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     "Hey there, pretty girl".
Shrader turned to see Jasper smiling at her from a small tent.
     "Hey Jasper", she tried to smile back.
     "Why are you walking in the rain?", he continued.
     "I, um, felt like it?", she told him because she didn't want him to know the real reason.
The storm was now getting really close as the rain had started to fall down and the wind was speeding up, causing the leaves to fall down violently. Shrader hadn't even noticed.
     "You look like you could use a drink", Jasper told her as her face lit up.
     "You got something?", she hoped.
     "Yeah, come in, Monty just made the first batch of his moonshine, you can be our guinea pig", he said, inviting her inside.
Shrader crouched down as she went inside and sat down on the floor and Jasper gave her a cup and she instantly brought it to her lips and took a big gulp. She cringed at the taste but continued to chug it down to finish it.
     "It's great, can I have some more?", she asked, handing Jasper the cup back.
     "If you tell me what caused you to became an alcoholic? I've never seen anyone drink that shit so fast", he laughed.
     "Just trying to forget something", she told him.
     "Okay, another one on the way", Jasper said as he poured some more and gave it to her. She thanked him as she drank again but decided not the drink it all at once.
     "How long were you out there?", he asked.
     "I don't know, a few hours?", she answered truthfully.
     "Did you, like, not see that there's a storm coming?", he questioned.
     "Not really, I didn't mind", she said as she finished the cup again and wanted more. Jasper filled her up again.
     "By the way, I heard you were one of the people who rescued me from certain death, so I wanted to say thanks", he smiled at her.
     "Don't mention it, I didn't really do much, just got attacked by a panther", she said.
     "Talk about badass", he laughed and it caused Shrader to smile a bit too.
They talked for a while and drank some more, Octavia dropping by once to get some moonshine to sterilize something. After a while, Shrader felt like she could use some air so she decided to thank Jasper and walked out.

As she stumbled out of the tent and stood up, she realized she was really drunk as everything was spinning and she had trouble standing up straight. She saw Bellamy and some boys dragging a body inside the dropship and her swinging body caused Bellamy to glance at her quickly before he went inside. But Shrader hadn't seen it as she focused on the beautiful nature around her.
After a while of her talking to herself in the empty camp she heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Bellamy and Miller coming towards her.
     "Well if it isn't my favorite asshole and my least favorite asshole", she laughed.
     "Shrader, are you drunk?", Miller asked with wide eyes as they reached her.
     "Well aren't you a real Sherlock Holmes?", she laughed some more.
     "She's drunk off her ass, anyone can see that", Bellamy stated.
     "And you're just an ass", Shrader looked at him with an unamused look.
     "We need to get her inside before the storm gets even worse", Miller interrupted.
     "Let's get her to the top level so we can watch her and the grounder", Bellamy decided.
     "I'm not going anywhere with you", she spat at Bellamy.
     "Just shut up Shrader", Miller said as she took her arm and started to drag her with him as Bellamy followed.
     "Since when did you become his bitch?", she laughed but didn't get an answer, just an angry look from both of the boys.

When they all got to the top level of the dropship, Miller pulled Shrader down to sit on some jackets.
     "You know how much I love you, Nate?", she smiled at Miller.
     "I know. You should rest now, maybe sleep the drunk Shrader out", he laughed a bit.
     "But I don't want to, I feel good, I'm actually not thinking about that gorgeous idiot standing next to you", she laughed as she motioned to Bellamy.
     "You know what, I really feel like I could use some angry sex right now", she said, speaking her thoughts out loud.
She pulled Miller by his hand, so that he fell on top of her and she had her lips against him before he could react. Miller tried to act fast, feeling awkward as Bellamy was watching them with his brows raised. He stood up and scratched his neck awkwardly.
     "What's wrong Nate, don't you want me anymore?", Shrader said, feeling hurt.
     "No, of course I do babygirl, but you're really drunk and we have an audience", he stated.
     "Well Bell-boy can fuck off for all I care", she said angry.
     "Shrader you need to calm down", Bellamy told her.
She was about to answer him but Miller was faster as he crouched down and placed his hand over her mouth and told Bellamy to go watch the grounder.
As he left, Miller removed his hand and laid Shrader down, but not before she saw a grounder, tied up and bloody across the room.
     "What the hell?", she yelled, trying to get up but couldn't as Miller kept her down.
     "Don't worry about it, he's the one that stabbed Finn so we caught him to question him. You really need to sleep", he told her as she finally laid down.
     "Fine, but I demand you cuddle with me", she said as she closed her eyes. Miller laughed as he sat down and placed her head on his lap as she fell asleep.
He lifted his gaze to see Bellamy looking at Shrader with a sad look.
     "She didn't mean what she said", he told him.
     "But she did", Bellamy said as he knew it was the truth.

Shrader woke up with a small headache.
     "Ugh, what happened?", she said to herself as she sat up.
She remembered Jasper and the moonshine. And Miller and Bellamy dragging her to the dropship. And her almost forcing herself on Miller, in front of Bellamy. And the things she said to Bellamy.
     "Great", she sighed.
Her thoughts quickly vanished as she remembered the grounder. He was still there. No one else was on the level but her and him.
She stood up and walked to him as he looked at her with a cold stare. She saw the blood and dirt on his face and upper body as he did not have a shirt on. He looked awful. She wanted to help him, even if he had stabbed Finn. She grabbed a wet cloth from a cup and approached the grounder. He flinched when she tried to touch him.
     "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna help", she told him truthfully.
He still flinched when she tried to touch him again.
     "Kirl...? Klis? No. Klirnes. Klir?", she tried to remember Ilians words.
He relaxed a bit and she knew he understood.
She touched his chest with the cloth and as he didn't flinch anymore, she started to clean him.
     "I'm Shrader, kom Skaikru", she said and waited for him to say something.
He didn't. Maybe she said it wrong? No, it was correct, she knew it.
     "How do you know our language?", he finally asked, so quietly she almost missed it.
     "You're not the first grounder I've met", she told him.
     "Thank you Shrader. I'm Lincoln", he told her in a quiet voice.
     "Nice to meet you, even in these circumstances", she laughed a bit and he smiled too.
As she finished her cleaning she heard someone climbing up the ladder.
     "Let's keep our little conversation between us, okay?", she quietly asked Lincoln. He nodded.
When she turned around, she saw Bellamy.
"What the hell are you doing?", he questioned her with an angry look.
"I was just cleaning him, I don't see a problem with that", she answered him.
"You shouldn't be here, get out", he told her.
"Now that you're here, I'm happy to", she faked a smile at him.

When Shrader walked out of the dropship to the freezing morning air, she saw Clarke exiting a tent and walking towards her.
"Hey Clarke, what's up?", she smiled at her.
"I just found out there's an old emergency aid depot not far from here and I'm gonna check it out, might help us survive the winter, you wanna join me?", she asked.
"Sure, why not? What could be the worst to happen?", she laughed.
If only she knew.

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