*ch. 1 is just in a heartbeat if you haven't seen it yet*

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"Here he comes, here he comes!" Oh no. What do I do?

He couldn't think straight. He does the first thing that comes to mind. Jump into the bush! Ow.

A flawless boy with sleek hair and olive skin walks past, absorbed in his book.

The boy in the bush sighs as he watches him walk by. He jumps out of the bush once he has passed, leaves in his orange curls.

He clambers up a tree, mesmerized by the flawless boy, who spins an apple on his pointer finger.

He absentmindedly scrapes at the bark of the tree, trying to get a grip. His fingers found a knot on the wood, and he lifts himself up... directly into a branch.

He quickly hides behind the trunk just before the boy can look. His heart is pounding in his chest. He is scared the boy can somehow hear it; he puts his hand over it. The boy continues walking.

He peeks his head over the trunk. His heart is beating like mad. His heart pumps... pumps... pops right out of his chest! Nononono!

His heart grabs his hand, pointing exitedly at the boy walking. He shakes his head violently, eyes wide. He pulls against his heart, but just can't hold on. His heart soars away, closer and closer to the boy...

As he tosses the apple up, the heart lands in his hand instead! He continues to throw the heart up, unable to tell the difference because he is so absorbed in the book.

The boy falls from the tree in a rush, running up to get his heart. The boy, still thinking it was an apple in his hand, was about to take a bite. The boy's hand surges forward, but the heart flew from his hand.

He finds himself holding the boy's hand, and they look up at each other in surprise. He lets go and pulls back immediately, a rush of different emotions swimming through his head. His hands are so soft..

His heart peeks over the boy's book. He rushes forward, chasing his heart frantically around the bewildered boy. He finally catches it behind the boy's back.

He looks up into the boy's eyes... three centimeters away from his own. Their noses were just barely touching. He once again can't think of what to do. He jumps into a nearby trashcan.

The boy doesn't know what to think. He looks with one perfect eyebrow raised over at the trashcan. He very slowly begins to walk towards it. He is just about to open it when the bell rings from the school nearby.

Startled, he walks away towards the school. The heart pulls at his hand, towards the boy. He tugs against it, but it pulls him out of the trashcan, skidding against the pavement. He's going to hit the boy!

He pulls left, but the heart pulls again. He sees a rock ahead. It's not a very good plan, but it's all he has. He braces for the small rock, slipping on it so that he goes upside-down over the boy.

The heart reaches out, and everything happens as if it's in slow motion. It just barely brushes the top of the boy's sleek brown hair.

He lands on the pavement. He looks up just in time to see his heart following the boy into the school building.

He jumps up, chasing after it. He throws open the doors, and gasps. The boy was on the floor... his heart rubbing up against his face!

He looks up at the scared boy with orange curls, confused, at the heart, and back at him questioningly. The boy runs forward in an attempt to grab the heart, but it manages to grab the boy's hand just before he can pull him away.

The boy is pulling desperately at his heart, but it holds on dearly to the boy on the ground. People in the hallway are starting to stare and whisper.

He pulls harder, and a tiny crack begins to form at the top of the heart. As he pulls and pulls, the crack grows. It moves slowly down the middle... crack.

He runs out the door with the half of his heart he has. He sits under a nearby tree. Tears begin to fill his eyes and brim over onto his freckled cheeks.

There's a figure coming from the school and he recognizes it immediately. He hastily wipes his tears on is sleeve.

The latino boy walks up to him, looks at the boy that he has acquired a liking for, who looks away from his eyes.

He reaches out, but the boy pulls back. Slowly, hesitantly, he lets him hold his hands with the halved heart. He puts the half he's been holding on to next to the one in his cupped hands, and squeezes them together.

The heart comes to life, shocked. He slowly pushes the boy's hands back. He smiles a tiny smile at his heart. He looks in shock as the boy who he thought would want nothing to do with him sits next to him by the tree. 

They look into eack others eyes, their hearts beat together as one.

>>Watch it if you havent already.       or if you have, whatever<<

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