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This is embarassing. Why would they do this to him?
Sherwin stared at the newsletter from his school, informing him about this year's dance. He looked at the bold word in the middle.

Ughhhh. He couldn't dance, he always tripped on his feet. Surely there was some way out of it? Maybe he could make himself sick?

He suddenly thinks of Jonathan, all dressed up. His face heats up, knowing that Jon would take him. There was nothing in the rules section about not being allowed to take someone of the same gender.

Just then, his phone buzzed from his pocket. He pulled it out, knowing it would be Jon. Of course, he was right.

Hey, did you get the newsletter from school yet?

He typed back to his... boyfriend. That new title was going to take some getting used to. But he liked it.

Yeah. I just got it. I wonder what the people at school will think?

About us?


He waited a moment for his response.

Well, you saw how they looked at us a month ago. They are all a bunch of homophobics.

Sherwin sighed. He knew Jon was right.

And who knows? Maybe he would have fun with Jonathan. Without him there, he would just break down. He hated crowds of people or cramped spaces.

"Sherwin! Come get your laundry real quick!" His mother's voice rang through the house. He'd better ask to go shopping if he was going to this dance.


At the mall, his mom held up assortments of suits with colorful ties.  He was measured and tried on several different tuxedos and blazers before he found the one for him.

"Perfect," his mother said after him putting everything on. It was a white shirt with a black blazer over, and black pants with shiny black shoes. And to top it off, a red bowtie.

They paid for the perfect suit and left the store.


"Thanks, mom," Sherwin felt as though he should be in the whitehouse with these clothes. He's never seen such expensive clothing exept in commercials.

"Worth every penny to make my baby happy." His mom kissed his forehead before walking back to the kitchen to do paperwork.

Sherwin started to walk away when his mom turned and said, "Wait, Sherwin?"

"Yeah, mom?" He replied.

"Who's the lucky girl?" She asked with a grin. It took him a moment to realize what she was talking about.

"Oh... actually, mom...."

He sighed.

"Her name's Joanna."

"How cute! I can't wait to meet her, honey. I gotta go back, these papers won't fill themselves out." And with that, she walked back to the kitchen.

Pfft. Joanna.

He couldn't wait to show Jonathan his new suit. It'd been nearly two hours since he'd talked to him, so he went upstairs and clicked the call button next to the name, "❤Jon❤"

It rang for a moment before a musical voice said on the other end,
"Hey, Jonathan, It's me."
"Oh, hey Sher. I was just about to call you. I wanted to talk to you about the dance"
Sherwin's heart leapt.
"Go on."
"Well, I.. I was hoping you would go with me? I know you hate people, but-"
"Yes, Jonathan. I'll go." Sherwin laughed softly. He could almost feel Jonathan's smile.

This was really happening. They were so happy, they both completely forgot about the students at their school. As long as they stayed together, it wouldn't be too bad.

"I guess I'll text you later, then."
"Wait, Jon?"
"Yeah, Sher?"
"Happy one month."

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