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It's a saturday morning, yellow-orange sunshine coming in from Sherwin's window. He groggily picks his phone up, and is now wide awake. He opens the text fron Jonathan.

"Hey, Sherwin. Are you doing anything today? I hear the waterpark opened again. You should come with me!"

He quickly types his answer.
"Yeah, I'd love to go! Where should we meet?" Send.

His reply pops up on the screen.
"How about your house? We can walk from there."

"Sure. I'll wait outside for you." Send.

He quickly hopped up and changed into a pair of swim trunks and a t-shirt. He ran downstairs to leave a note for his mom, who was sleeping after a long night shift.
"Mom, going out with Jon for a while. I'll be back in time for dinner. Love you, Sherwin"

He took a deep breath and headed outside into the blazing sunshine. After his eyes adjusted, he saw... Jon. Already there. Without a shirt. He felt his cheeks warm up, and not because of the sun. He couldnt help but stare for a moment at his beauty...

"Ahem." Jon cleared his throat. "Are you ready?"

Sherwin snapped out of it, and ran up to him. "Yeah. It's this way, right?" He asked, pointing to the left of his house.

"Yeah. Let's get going!"

They approached the stand, and a man who looked slightly irritable gave them wrist bands in case they needed to leave and come back. "Aren't you going to take your shirt off?" Jon asks, looking at the ginger. Did he blush a little?

"Oh, uh, yeah."
He lifts his red t-shirt up and over his head, revealing his pale chest and waist. The edges of his ribs just barely showed.

Jonathan couldn't help but look. I mean, come on, it's Sherwin! He lets out a tiny sigh and gathers himself.

"So, what do you wanna do first?" Sherwin asks politely.

"Um, how about that waterslide?" He asks, pointing at a twisted yellow tube leading into a clear pool.

"Sure!"Sherwin agrees.

Jon grabs his hand, making Sherwin blush, and pulls him through a small crowd of people to the slide.

They go down the same one a couple times before moving on. Two hours later, Sherwin is tired, but having more fun than he's had in years.

"Whew! You wanna go to the lazy river for a while?" Jonathan asks, looking beat. Sherwin gladly agrees and they head down.

Jon grabs a large inner tube and sets it in the water. He climbs in and sits on one side, and beckons Sherwin to join him.

Sherwin looks nervously at the tube and hesitantly gets in, but falls out into the water. Jon laughes a little and helps him back in.

Sherwin laughs, embarrassed. His laugh, thought Jon, was like music.

As they were nearing the end of the "river", thirty minutes later, the sun just barely started to set.

Jon sighed as he and Sherwin left the rubber tube.

"I guess we should head home, it's nearly six." Jon says, looking down at his phone.

Sherwin looked sad, but agreed.

"Thank you for taking me out today, Jon. I had so much fun!" He said to the latino boy.

Jon took Sherwin's hand, and the whole world seemed to disappear around them. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

They sighed in unison and started towards the exit, hand in hand.

They had reached Sherwin's house. Jon finally let go of his hand. He watched Sherwin stare at the sunset. The golden light made his hair gleam.

"Hey, Sher..." He looks down at his feet, embarassed. What if he didn't like him? What if he was straight? He didn't act like it. His face warmed up as he looked at Sherwin.

"Yeah, Jon?" He smiles his perfect crooked smile.

It was now or never.

"I was just wondering... well, we've been friends for a while now, I... I...
I like you. Like, a lot. And, I was thinking, maybe... we could be... more than friends?" Oh, gosh. He can barely look up as he waits for the worst.

Sherwin looks shocked, a smile creeping onto his face. His whole face grows red, growing up his ears. He bites his lip for a moment, pondering.

"Of course, Jon. To be completely honest, I've always liked you. I just never thought you would actually like me back." He laughs to himself.

"R-really? You will?" He was overjoyed.

"Yeah!" He looks at the tiny sliver of sun left on the horizon and sighs.
"I guess I should be getting back inside, my mom will start to worry."

"Ok. Thanks for... everything today!"
He watches as Sherwin starts to turn. Before he can stop himself, he leans forward and kisses him on the cheek.

His face feels like it's on fire. He's already running toards his house when he hears a yell from behind.

"Bye, Sher!" His voice cracks slightly when he said his name.

(A/n Who knew confident Jonathan could be embarrased by something? They're so cute!! I love Sherwithan! Kthankbai)

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