Getting Ready

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Today was the day were Tom was gonna take you out on a date. Yes, you were very nervous, but luckily Zendaya had the pleasure of coming over to help you get ready...

"i don't know what to wear" you complain out loud shaking your head

"i knew you would say that" Zendaya says while giving me a smirk "so thats why i came prepared, and brought you some 'casual' clothing"

"Oh thank god" you say throwing your head back and letting out a sigh of relief

"and drumroll please......"she says as you pat your laps giving her a drumroll. She ends pulls out a short white dress, which is pretty casual

"Let's face it, what would you do without me" she says while flicking her hair over her shoulders

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"Let's face it, what would you do without me" she says while flicking her hair over her shoulders

" thank-you" you giving her a big hug before you get a text from Tom


Tommy- Crush

Hey, make sure you bring bathers...... 

"really Y/N, you put his name under Tommy- Crush" she says while throwing her head back laughing

"yes, now help me find some bathers!" you say scurrying through your bags


You end up finding a red bikini you bought a few months ago.. You put it under your clothing and waited for Tom to come pick you up for your 'date' with him..

Let's hope this goes 'well'


Ok well..... hope you liked that.......

the date will happen soon, so watch out ;) yeahhhh

- Me (YWNK)

hahha ok bye bye...... farewell my fellow Hollanders!

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