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*1 week later*

Tom was called for a meeting in the city today. To surprise him,  you thought of the brilliant idea of waiting outside the building to jump in his arms. As you got outside of the car ,you could see fences where placed so fans wouldn't attack you, and since you where waiting you decided to greet them and sign a few autographs.

You walk up to a girl with two of her friends beside her. You felt bad for her as she was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts, so you had an idea.

"Hello" you say grinning at them

"OMG- UM HI Y/N" she says while the goosebumps on her arms were starting to show

"aren't you cold?" you ask while you sign her arm

"umm maybe, but it's ok, i can deal with it" she says as she starts to shiver

"no no no, you can't get sick" you say as you start to take off the maroon jumper you were wearing

"Here, have my jumper" you say as you hand it her

"ARE. YOU. SERIOUS?...i-i don't wanna cause a-any trouble" she says wide eyed

" yes! now take my jumper" you say as you started to feel the cold breeze 

suddenly you hear bigger screams, and see some strong muscular arms wrap around your waist..

"TOM!!" you say as you turn around and jump into his arms wrapping you legs around his waist

"what are you doing here? and why don't you have a jumper on? i don't want you to get sick Y/N" he says as he puts you down and starts taking off his cyan jumper. As he was taking of his jumper his shirt lifted up a bit, giving a clear view of his toned abs... more screams erupted as they saw Tom's shirt lifted up...

you take the jumper, and pull down Tom's shirt "we don't want something that's mine exposed do we?" you say smirking

"of course not" he says smirking

"ok then let's go! i want to snuggle when we get home!" you say pouting 

you see everyone sighing and saying awww, which made you blush and hide into Tom's chest.... Tom picked you up and carried you into the car, as you waved goodbye to all the fans!!


Ok soooo.... 1.9K VIEWS!! WHAT!! nearly 2K im so happy!! also i have two thank- you's today and that is toooooo:



THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! also i kinda stoped updating my other story, and don't know if i should continue! but i feel bad because some of you guys have asked for it!! so please comment if you want me to continue both of my stories, or to only continue this story!!

- Me (YWNK)

i love you hollanders !!!

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