|29| •The Bond of Birthdays•

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I want to tell you that it is extremely funny how I wrote this and I am posting this update (twice) after my birthday. Seems like even destiny wants Sana's birthday to be on the same day as mine ;)


Sana took in a short breath as she walked towards the door with her heart threatening to leap out of her chest, caging it cautiously. Her hands trembled a little as she signed the document with her mind filling with anxiety as an audible gasp left her mouth as she saw her 'gift'.

"What is this?" she breathed out lamely as she saw the portrait of her parents standing in front of her with Aarav leaning against it on the side. It was so tall, Sana had to cringe her head to see the complete figure.

"My gift," Aarav retorted with a chuckle as Sana's fingers rubbed against the smooth texture of the oil paints.

Her heart tugged her, causing her breath to hitch in her throat as happiness flooded throughout her senses. It was a very small, sweet gesture but it meant the world to her. She did have pictures all over the house of them but this portrait was out of the world. The fact that Aarav actually got this for her gave birth to all kinds of fuzzy feelings in her body. He could have gotten her jewellery or something expensive, hell he could have just forgotten the entire present thing, but instead, he opted for something so personal, something that truly close to her heart. Tears were swimming in her eyes, one blink could make them drop down but instead, she closed her eyes, savouring the moment as her face lit into a glowing grin of pure joy.

"Thank you!" she genuinely thanked with a full proof smile on her lips while she saw him grin at her.

"Happy Birthday!" he mumbled as he grabbed her hand, gently leading to him, while his blue eyes presenting an ocean of emotions as he leaned in to give her a sweet, lingering kiss.

"You painted it, didn't you?" she asked overwhelmed as she remembered the touch of the wet oil paints on her fingers. Being a painter herself, she knew that too many coats of oil paints took a while to dry and gave a thick feel to the fingers.

Aarav let out a hesitant laugh before blurting, "You would love that, wouldn't you?"

"I know you did and I do. Very much," she snorted, winking at him while Aarav gave her a bored look.

"I think your birthday has got you to go to your dreamland," he snickered, shooting her persistent looks of denial but Sana determined in proving him as the painter.

"Just watch how you admit it," she mumbled before yelling on top of her lungs, "Guys! Come look at my present!"

Within minutes, the entire Sen clan was racing down the stairs like wild animals released from zoo, a rush of excitement buzzing through the air. Sana felt Aarav stiffen as he saw the curious eyes rummaging the painting.

"OMG! Did Aarav get this?" Nisha exclaimed thrilled as she touched the painting which was clearly exceeding her height.

"Wow, Aarav, not bad," Saanvi complimented with a high five.

"Okay, this is insanely good!" Sid mumbled as he shoved everyone to the side to have a better look.

"Great, now my present seems like an ant in front of this statue," they heard Arhaan mumble as he walked over to Sana and wished her and giving her a hug.

"Where did you get this painted from?" Arhaan inquired quizzically, shooting Aarav a judgemental look.

"From an experienced painter,"Aarav snapped back, rubbing the bridge of his nose to keep his calm.

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