Chapter II

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A loud crash outside the room made them both snap back to reality. Yeona started squirming under his body but there was no use.

"I can kill you right here, right now. You know that, right?" He said, not taking his eyes off her frame.

"Then what are you waiting for, Jeon? Isn't this what you always wanted?" She replied.

Jungkook was about to respond to the female that he had under his mercy, but someone bursted through the door yelling in victory "Captain! We sank the ship!"

Yeona's eyes widened, quickly pushing the male off her body since he was distracted and lost in thought and running towards the sword on the wooden floor. "YOU SANK MY SHIP?!" She yelled, gripping the swords handle.

"What did you expect, Yeona!? I attacked you! Of course I would sink your ship!" He growled.

"You little-" Fury and anger was all she felt at the moment. Yeona attacked the male pirate, wanting revenge.

But within just seconds, Jungkook snatched the sword away from the girl, throwing her over his shoulder.

She gasped and started hitting his back, kicking her legs around. Jungkook tightened his grip on her so that she couldn't move her legs.

The pirate kicked the door open, walking outside the room. Cold air brushed their skins. The girl that was hanging onto his back was yelling and cursing at him to put her down while throwing powerful punches at his back. But he didn't seem to mind.

Her eyes looked around the upside-down world. Her ears fixed on the screams of her crew. She felt miserable and powerless that she couldn't do anything to help. Particles of her ship were still visible on the surface of the water.

Jungkook opened another door, quickly locking it after him, and throwing the girl on the hard bed.

She took in her surroundings. A huge bed, small window and a few lit candles. There was a small desk and chair next to the bed and a treasure chest on the other side of the room.

After she was done observing the room her eyes landed on the tall male in front her, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

Yeona stood up, rushing to the door, trying to unlock it and escape. The next thing she knew, was that she was trapped, between a wall and a males body. His arms on the either side of her head.

"And now you're mine" he smirked, whispering in her ears.

"You don't own me" she glared at the taller man.

"You're on my ship, my bedroom and as long as you are here, you belong to me."

"I never asked to be on your ship"

"Yet you came with with your own desire"

She sighed, it was true. She did come here but that was just because she had to escape. She didn't have a choice.

"I didn't have a choice, Jungkook" she huffed already annoyed by his closeness. She tried pushing him off her, maybe reach for a weapon to attack and get out of here.

But obviously, it was still no use. Silence took over the room once again, until he spoke.

"You have no choice now, either. You can't leave the ship, there's no where you can go."

She laughed, sarcastically "Oh right, you destroyed my ship."

"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same, Yeona. You aren't that innocent. You seek revenge as much as I do and you can't deny that, princess." He said, pushing a strand of her hair behind her pierced ear.

She quickly slapped his hand away from her face, glaring at him. "I do seek revenge, and that revenge I will get, Captain." The girl replied, meaning each and every word.
Hope you enjoyed!

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