Lee Yeona

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So I've gotten many comments about Yeona and how "stupid" she is and not going to lie, I was very disappointed.

Let me explain the character of Lee Yeona.

She is an independent person, and she may seem fearless but like everyone, she has a fear, she is afraid of one thing. Love.

Jungkook had broken her in the past and just like she said "things that fall, get broken."

That's exactly what she didn't want, that's exactly what she was avoiding but Jungkook didn't stop even after proving his love to Yeona, she was still in denial of her feelings towards him but that truth was, her feelings never changed.

Behind all the hatred Yeona had for Jungkook, she still loved him dearly and she can't deny this but she always tried to ignore it.

She accepted Taehyungs proposal for many reasons but the main ones are:

1. She wanted a new start in life WITHOUT Jungkook and any male in her life because she didn't want to be hurt, because she AFRAID. She seems like this strong, stubborn girl but everyone has their weak spots and that's hers.

2. She wanted to correct her parents mistakes and rebuild the kingdom as her own, and of course she loves power and control so she wasn't planning on missing out this chance for her to have both and more.

3. Jungkook's safety. I don't know if people payed attention to this, but Yeona ordered Taehyung to let him go free and only then she would marry him, but Taehyung never followed her commands. As for the proposal in the ballroom, she couldn't say no because they already had a deal.

When I wrote this story, I didn't mind any of these things but now I do because I want the reader to feel the same emotions as my characters. I want my readers to put themselves in Yeona's shoes.

Would you trust a man even if that man is Jungkook, a man who is a dangerous pirate who kills anyone if they go against him, a man who killed your parents and destroyed everything you ever loved and cared for?

Well, Yeona did, but only after a long journey, endless tears and explanations.

For some of you, her actions may seem stupid still even after explaining this but remember that this is a FAN FICTION. Of course characters will make mistakes because they aren't perfect, just like living, breathing humans.

I hope this answers your questions towards Yeona's actions and maybe you can put yourself in her place, what would you do?

P.S: i love you, thank you for reading and supporting! Also, go read my new fan fiction, rude. If you like fluff and if you like Jung hoseok (which you better do) then that's the story for you! Enjoy!

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