Out of the Blue 🦋part 2

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     "Oh my god, Finally!" Esther exclaims. "My feet are killing me, and I'm wearing UGGS."

     "We have about an hour and twenty minutes until we board

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"We have about an hour and twenty minutes until we board. Hungry?" Avan asks Esther.

     "Starving. I think I want a sandwich, like a breakfast croissant. With eggs bacon and cheese. Extra bacon." Esther says

      "Okay, are you gonna sit and stay here?"

       "I would like to..." Esther says with a whine and a quivering lip

      "That's okay," Avan leans down to kiss Esther. "Coffee?"   Esther nods.

      "May you please get me a apple juice and a hash brown if they have them please? Thanks babe..."

    Avan waves her off with a smile as he walks across the airport.

"Oh my god I am so tired." Esther says to herself. "But I can't believe all my dreams are coming true. I am so grateful." Esther closed her eyes.

It was 20 minutes later and Esther had fallen asleep. Her feet propped up on their small luggage in order to keep anyone from stealing it. Avan came back with a white bag that has thank you on it like 30 times, a brown paper bag with a grease stain forming, and a cardboard cup holder with a iced caramel macchiato and a black cold brew from Starbucks. He laughed quietly to himself seeing Esther slumped in the short chair, snoring slightly with her mouth open. 

      "Esther....Esther..." Avan tried quietly waking her up. He put the coffee and stuff in the chair next to him.

      "Esther....Babe....ESTHER!" He says a little louder, poking her arms, and slightly shaking her. Still nothing.

       "Esther, I have your food." He says in his normal inside voice.

       "HUH!" Esther pops up out of her sleep.

         "Wow. You are terrible." Avan laughs and shakes his head.

          "What can I say. Food speaks to me." Esther giggles.

"Here. And here." Avan says handing Esther her food.

"Agh thank you! I love you so much!"Esther exaggerates.

         "Yeah Yeah.." Avan smiles at her lovingly.


         "Oh my gosh. I'm stuffed." Esther groaned.

          "We are going to be on the plane for approximately uhhh... 2 hours and 15 minutes, SO IF YOU HAVE TO POOP go now because we getting on the plane in like 30 minutes and we do not have time for thiiiissssss" Avan remarked laughing.

        "......but you're right I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Be right back." Esther gives Avan a quick peck and makes her way to the bathroom.

" Esther gives Avan a quick peck and makes her way to the bathroom

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*please ignore the time at the top!*

        "Oh heyyy. There you are! you didn't text me back I was beginning to worry." Avan laughs.

         "Oh Ah Ha Ha.." Esther glares at Avan.

         "No seriously, I was debating on whether not to come in the bathroom to see if you were ok.." Avan doubles over in laughter.

         "Babe...Stop making fun of me..." Esther pokes her lip out.

         "Ok Ok. I'm sorry, Love." Avan pulls Esther into his embrace.

"First class priority seating for Plane 183 going to Seoul South Korea is now boarding," a peppy high pitched voice repeats 3 times over the loud speakers.

"Oh! That's us! Omggg!" Esther jumps from her seat excitedly.

"Yup. Ready, got your stuff?"

"Yeah," Esther sighs. "Let's do this."

TA DA ! I FINALLY FINISHED A NEW CHAPTEEEERRRR! Tbvh I actually have no idea how I'm putting this story together I'm just going with the flow of my Brain and if I think of something else it is liable to change so uh yeah don't be surprised. Anyway I'm gonna start on the next chapter and it's probably gonna be short like just a filler chapter okkkk byeeeee✌🏾💘 OH YEAH THANKS FOR ALMOST 250 READS YAY OMG!

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