Chapter Three - "I Hate You."

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Chapter Three

{Terra's POV}

The aftermath of the robbery wasn't fun. Sure, there were people thanking me for my courage, but I was questioned repeatedly by the police. I really didn't want to relive my experiences twice. They had me sit on the tailgate of an ambulance, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. Because I was in "shock". Whatever. The worst part was I couldn't find the boy that had saved my life at least twice in the crowds of people. The bright red, white, and blue lights flashing at a constant rate wasn't any better.

After calling my parents and Mei, I just had to sit and wait, a bottle of water in my hand. The boy was probably getting tended for his wounds, so I shouldn't worry. I just wanted a name to go to my savior. And really, I shouldn't be getting all the thanks from the people. I know I started everything, but the boy had did everything, really. And some part of my heart said that the robbers wouldn't have shot anyone.

Speaking of the robbers, they were passing in front of the ambulance I was on, handcuffs of their wrists. Their faces were exposed, and they looked like perfectly normal people in their late twenties. That saying was true. I couldn't trust anyone. Not giving them a second glance, making them feel the shame they should, I looked around once more. Then I saw him at one of the other ambulances surrounding the crime.

He had a nasty cut on his bottom lip, a gash on his left eyebrow that would surely scar, and a large laceration on the right side of his forehead. One of the medics were cleaning the blood that was dripping down the side of his face. He had an ice pack that he held on his head, and I noticed his knuckles were bruised and torn. All for me. A stranger.

My gosh, this guy is really nice.

Our eyes locked, and he smiled slightly; a painful, but glad smile.

"Terra!" Mei waved at me by the caution tape that bystanders were looking at the scene behind. A police officer was blocking her view, but I heard her. Standing slowly, I walked over to her, breaking eye contact with the boy. I needed a friend right now. And I was sure my appearance was grotesque. Mei was the only person who I could really trust to be there for me out of all my other friends. My other friends would say that I looked ugly. 

"It's okay officer. She's a friend of mine." I held tightly to the bright orange blanket as I put my hand on the officer's arm. She nodded, holding the caution tape up for Mei.

"Damn right! I'm your best friend." Mei stepped under, then actually looked at me. "Woah, girl. You look like shit." I laughed at her trying to get the mood to lighten. A couple of police cars left out of the parking lot, carrying the criminals to jail. Thank the Lord.

"Yeah, but I have a good reason to you jerk." I nudged her with my shoulder. She smiled, her eyes crinkling. She was half Chinese, from her mother's side of the family. Her father was very American, so she was half and half. Her eyes still had that feel from her mother's ancestry, but you could tell she had that American feel to her.

"So, what happened?" She asked as I sat down at the ambulance again. Mei stood with a worried look on her face, her hand on her hip. I shrugged, looking toward the ambulance that held the boy who saved me. He wasn't looking my way anymore.

"A lot of stuff. I'll tell you at the house when my parents get here." The sun was setting, and you could see the haze of it coming through the gray clouds. A chill blew in with the breeze, causing me to pull the blanket around myself some more. A couple of browning leaves rustled. Mei nodded, never pushing further than she had to.

"Yeah, whenever they get here." Mei said irritably. I could understand the way she was feeling. She didn't like the fact that my parents weren't exactly there for me most of the time. They dealt with their jobs more than their own children. I nodded, looking down at my legs that were curled up to my chest. "Hey, I'll be back. I'm gonna go call them, just so they know that I got here faster than they did. Love ya." She ruffled my hair playfully before scampering away to her car.

"How are you feeling?" I nearly jumped at the voice that sounded next to my ear only a minute after Mei left. The boy sat down next to me on the tailgate. His wounds looked worse up close.

"Better than you, it seems." I replied. He laughed, still holding the ice pack to his head.

"Yeah, I'm pretty beaten up." He shrugged. "I just don't like it when women get hurt." His face hardened. So that's why he stepped up to the burglars for me?

"Well, that's good. What's your name?" I asked. He smiled.

"Mason Scott." Ooh, big bummer. The nerd dude. I did know this boy then. He was the school's geek, who had everything planned out for his life after high school. He's got straight As in every class he takes, he's never been to a party, he never loosens up, and hasn't got any free liberty. I'm sure he hasn't even lost his virginity. He's way too talented, because he's too good at everything that he does. And he's as unpopular as brussel sprouts. And I thought he was nice and cute. This is totally going to ruin my reputation. "You're Terra Miller, right? I heard you talking to the nine-one-one operator."

"Oh." Was all I could say. "Yes, my name's Terra." I didn't want to be rude to him and say that we couldn't be friends. He'd saved my life. Then I saw some students from school, pointing at the both of us on the other side of the caution tape. And some of them happened to be my popular friends. Dammit. Now I have to be mean to him. Ugh. Just do it for your rep. You can't lose what you worked so hard on.

"Why the Hell did you have to be the one to save my life?" I said rudely. Mason looked surprised.

"Excuse me?" Manners. Gross. What the Hell, Terra? What? You want to keep your rep, you have do hate him. He looked offended afterwards. I had just been speaking to him kindly, then I switched my feelings. I felt like a jerk.

"Why did it have to be you? Couldn't it have been some hot guy? Not the school nerd. If this gets in the school newspaper, I'll lose all my reputation." I stood, shaking off the blanket. "Gosh, couldn't you have just let me get hurt, you jerk?" Now he looked angry. It was not a good look for him.

"Am I missing something?" He stood up as well, pointing a finger at his chest. "You were talking so nicely to me, then you started to be a..." He looked for the right word to say. "Bitch." Mason hissed.

"Is that your first cuss word, prick?" I pushed his chest. He didn't move.

"What the Hell did I do to you? I just saved your damn life! You could be a little grateful, you know." I am. No you're not. My two sides battled with each other, and my popular side won.

"You did exactly that. I could lose my reputation because of this, nerd." Mason narrowed his eyes at me. I wanted to shrink down in my spot right there. "Just, don't even talk to me." I rolled my eyes.

"This is what this is about? Your reputation?" He scoffed. "You're such an idiot. I really thought someone like you could be nice."

"At least being an idiot is better than being smart." Mason raised an eyebrow.

"You're right. I am smart. So what? It doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch. Oh look, I said my second cuss word." I made a sound low in my throat; a growl I think. I punched his chest. He still didn't budge. "Can I have my trophy now?"

"You call me a bitch, but you're a jerk."

"Still better than a bitch." He started back. I punched him again. "Woah, who's throwing marshmallows at me?" Mason mocked. I wanted to smile, but scowled instead.

"I hate you." I hissed. He crooked his neck, like a dog. It was insanely cute.

"That's probably the best compliment I've had all week." I made a sound of frustration to Mason. Turning on my heel, I fumed my way to the barrier, where Mei was waiting with my parents. She had an awed look on her face. I assumed she heard the angry argument. So did my parents, by the looks on their faces. Maybe disapproval? I couldn't tell. I just wanted to get the Hell out of there.

*Another chapter! I think this one was pretty great, in my opinion. I might upload another one for all you out there today. Just cuz. :)*

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