Chapter Six

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The first thing Lilac saw when she woke up is two pair of ocean blue eyes looking down at her. She remembered vividly what had happend to her before she passed out. She was on her way to her English class, A monster came and attacking her, Her leg was bleeding, Declan came and killed the monster and the last thing she remembered was Declan carrying her and she passed out in his arms.

Her vision is still blurry as she tried to sit up while rubbing her eyes. "Declan?" She asked. Her voice sounded raspy and tired because she is tired. exhausted infact. She could feel the pain on her legs and she wondered how long has she been passed out. She felt two strong hands wraps around her arm, helping her into a sitting position.

"Are you okay?" It wasn't Declan. It's Darwin. Lilac opened her eyes and saw Darwin standing beside the bed she's sitting on. His expression was clear as crystal. He is worried. A wave of relief ran through his veins as he gave her a smile. Lilac had never seen him without that stupid gorgeous smile of his plastered across his face she realized.

"Honestly? No. How long have I been passed out?" It's true. She's exhausted and dizzy. Darwin had told her she was passed out for 5 hours and asked her if she wanted a cup of water. She nodded. Darwin made his way to the table that is sitting across from the bed. He took a plastic cup and pour a mineral water from the jug of water. He handed the cup of water to Lilac and sits on the end of the bed. Lilac let the cold liquid ran down her dry throat.

"I was so worried when Declan inform me that you were attacked and fainted. I came right after he told me. Theodore was here too just now but he went to the cafeteria to go get some coffee. We've been waiting for hours Lilac, you started making me worried." She is surprised that Darwin came to check on her right after Declan had told him about her and can't help but to burn up a little. She placed the empty  cup on the bedside table beside her. She looked around her and realized that she's in the school's medical room. She had been here once last year when Theodore had an allergic reaction and started throwing up in class. The teacher bought him to the medical room and had kindly asked Lilac to leave the medical room and go back to her class. She refuses at first but when the nurse told her that Theodore needed some rest, she went back to class so that Theodore could rest.

"Did you caught a fever? Your face is red" Darwin moved closer to Lilac and placed one of his hand on her forehead. He was so close to her, she could feel his breathe against her skin. She started to tensed up because she had never been this close to a boy except for Theodore. Darwin's hand was still pressed against Lilac's forehead when he moved his gaze to her eyes. Their gaze locked and for a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. He dropped his hand and leans back looking embarrassed.

"Oh my god L You're alive!" Theodore suddenly burst into the room, eyes watery. He ran towards Lilac and Darwin with two cup of coffee in both hands. He put the coffee on the bedside table and wrap his hands around Lilac. Lilac did the same. Theodore is quite an emotional boy ever since they were little so she wasn't surprise  to see him running towards her while crying. "I was so worried." Said Theodore, breaking his embrace.

"Sorry I made you worry." Lilac gave him a tired smile.

"Theo, Let her rest. She's been through alot. Plus she is burning up, I don't want you to caught her fever." Darwin said as he softly pulls Theodore back. Theodore let Darwin push him back. He wipes his tears and gave Darwin a sad smile that made him look like a lost puppy, asking for some food. He grabs one of the coffee and hands it to Darwin. "Here."

Theodore and Darwin had spend 4 hours together, waiting for Lilac to wake up and they had gotten along very well. Theodore learned that Darwin have an older sister named Dellaine and He'd also told Darwin alot about himself and Lilac. Him and Lilac were bestfriend since they were 4 years old. When Lilac parents died, Lilac had shut herself entirely from the world and she ignored Theodore for 2 weeks. She finally opened up to Theodore after a while and the Arkwood family decided to take Lilac and Lavender in. She had been living with them since then. Darwin had listen to every words Theodore had spoken because something about Theodore made him felt as if he's floating above everyone.  When he saw Theodore running toward Lilac with tears running down his face, It breaks him. He was taught by his parents ever since he was  little that he must not let himself falls apart and cry. He was taught to be brave and strong in order to protect himself and for him to see Theodore cry freely without caring what people would've say about him made him made his heart dropped. If he'd done that infront of his dad, His dad would've told him to man up and that boy shouldn't cry. He personally think it's stupid because guys have emotion and they too can be sensitive.

Lilac look down on her right leg where she could stll feel pain and had remembered that whatever the thing that attack her is, had scratched her legs and climb on top oh her, trying to choke her. "Where is Declan?" asked Lilac realizing the boy that helped her is no where to be seen. She doesn't know what Declan had done to the creature making it stiff and wondered around as if it was blind.

"He left two hours ago," Theodore answered. He looks tired. "He went back to his room to showered. He was covered in blood L," He paused, locking his eyes with Lilac's and continue, "Your blood." Lilac responds with a short 'Oh'. She didn't get the chance to thank Declan for saving her life since she passed out and wondered if Declan was horrified to see the creature like she did. Darwin left Theodore and Lilac to go and call for the nurse. He came back with a Young lady around her 20's with black hair and a slim figure. There is someone following right behind them and Lilac realize that it is the Habilitas Alma Mater's school counselor. Lilac have seen the school counselor picture all around the school alot but had never seen the school counselor in person before. She was surprise with how elegant and poise the school counselor looks like in a royal blue dress that ended below her knee and a white cropped cardigan on top of the dress. The dress was made out of silk.

"Hello Lilac. My name is Ava and I am the school counselor," said Ava. She gave Lilac a lovely smile that show off her perfect white teeth. Lilac could not believe how beautiful Ava look in her late 50's. The nurse with black hair made her way to the other side of the bed and checked on Lilac body temperature. She also checked on Lilac's right leg and make sure the bandages are neatly wrapped around Lilac's leg. "I am very sorry about what had happen to you. Do you remember anything about the accident darling?" She asked and Lilac nods one time. "Can you tell me everything you remember?"

"I was helping my friend, Sarah to hand in some papers to the librarian and when I was on my way to go back to class, I was attacked by a creature. I don't know what it i-" She was cut off by Ava. "It's a flixie, We've investigate the place of the accident and we are still figuring out how it came into the school. We have built up an invisible wall around the school that can kill flixies or bolgard if they tried to entered the school's ground along time ago. Someone must have let them in somehow." Ava explained. Her face was emotionless yet so lovely.

"Right. So the flixie tried to kill me by choking me viciously. It suddenly became stiff and climb off me, It walked around as if it was blind and the next thing I saw was Declan standing over the body of the flixie with a broken vase in his hand. I think he hit the flixie with it." Lilac started to imagined herself in that situation again and it made all the little hair on her body stands.

"I see. Thank you for giving me this information dear." Ava said as she slowly made her way to the exit. She was standing infront of the door when she turns around to face Lilac and said, "Geet well soon dear. I will check on you later. For now, you must rest." She look to both Theodore and Declan saying, "You two should let her rest and go get some rest yourself." With that, she continue walking out of the door.

The black haired nurse was very gentle when she checked Lilac's leg. She place both of her hands on the bandage that is neatly wrapped around Lilac's leg and closes her eyes. "Try to relax." The nurse said to Lilac. Lilac did as she was told and stare at the nurse who had both of her hands on her leg. Lilac could see yellow and purple sparkle coming out of the nurse's hands as she raise her hands and wave it above Lilac's injured leg. Lilac, Theodore and Darwin leans forward to admire the nurse's ability. Healing. She opens her eyes and the yellow and purple sparkle disappears. She carefully open the bandage revealing Lilac's leg that was injured a few seconds ago and now without any scratch or a scar. All three of them look at Lilac's leg in amazement.

"There you go! good as new." The nurse gave them a charming smile.

Author's note;
HEY GUYS! Sorry for le late update. I promise i will try to update the next chapter faster! I hope u enjoy this chapter and pls vote thank you!!

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