Chapter 3: Alex and secret training

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The Third person's Pov

"Please teach us how to play basketball!!" Taiga and Himuro bow their heads towards a woman with her blond hair and having the same emerald eyes as Shiro does. She suspiciously raised her eyebrows as she looked at the two children in front of her.

"Huh? You want to teach you, kids?" The woman standing in front of them arrogantly looked at the two children. Behind them stood a boy with his crimson hair and reflecting the same emerald eyes yet brighter. He's slightly shorter than the two boys, stood there with his innocuous eyes peering at the woman. Oblivious the beauty of his smile effects, Shiro smiled brightly and bow along with the two boys.

"Please teach them." In instant, the younger boy was being hugged by the woman. With such excitement, the boy was lifted into the air as the other two boys stared at the scene with shock.

Well. It's predictable that Alex will act in this way.

The young boy, Shiro, was currently hugged by the WNBA player, Alexandra Gracia, who often stroll around the street basketball court, playing basketball with the other street basketball players. The two boys, his older brother, Taiga and his brother's friend, Tatsuya, saw her flawless skill and desperately wanted to learn from Alex.

"He's so cute~ I can teach him basketball!"

"NOT HIM! BUT US!!" Taiga shouted, irritated the fact that his little brother took all the attention of the woman and being ignored by her. A gentle pat on his shoulder had made Taiga's anger cooled down a bit.

"Ma, Taiga. Shiro is a beauty, all the attention had alway go to him. It's not the first time anyways. Let her be." Himuro gave Taiga a weak smile as he continued.

"Well. When I first met him, I personally thought that he is a she. Even some of the guys on the basketball court had fallen for him until you said he's your brother." Giggled at the scene that he witnessed, Himuro had calmed Taiga down. Shiro, who was constantly being rubbed the side of his cheeks, smiled at the scene.

Glad that they are having a great relationship. Though.... how long will these smiles last?

Shiro, who had his past memories engraved deep in his mind, started to worry about the relationships between the two older boys. Not long in the future, he knew that Himuro had a strong grudge on Taiga, having a very competitive personality, and challenge Taiga on a battle of skills. Despite Shiro wanted them to remain a great relationship, the future can not be change as the fate of these two had already been decided. He could only just sighed.

"Miss, can you put me down?" Shiro asked Alex with his benevolent smile. Alex, who was hugging him, lovestruck by the angelic smile plastered on his face. She squeezed him much tighter.

"Oh~ you cutie. Do you want me to teach you basketball too?"

"No. But can you train my brothers' basketball skill?"

"Hm~Sure, since they are cute too."

Well. At least step one, Alex becomes a coach is done.

~Two years later~

Shiro's pov

"Finally I have finished this book!!!" I was sitting on the bench reading books that were given from my mother when she saw my interest in books. Language books, Psychology books, Novels, English literature, my mother, who is a retired teacher, stuffed my brain with all sorts of knowledge. Because of my intelligence and past memories, I have skipped one grade and studying in the same grade as my brother, Taiga. Sometimes, I even need to tutor my brother due to his failing marks at school. Turning to the pages, I continued my studies, concentrated at widening my knowledge about the world until a presence stood in front me. I looked up from my books and saw the new coach, staring down at me with some sort of curiosity.

"That's a lot of books. Sitting down reading was not good for your body. Why don't you try basketball?" Alex, who saw me sitting lonely on the bench alone reading books, suddenly ask me with mirth hidden in her eyes.

I kind of feel this question has a feeling of deja vu somewhere...

"Ah~ Tatsu-nii asked the same question too. The reason? Even though I love sports, I'm physically not gifted with sports." I embarrassingly tilted his head, faking the reason for me excusing from sports.

"You're lying, Shiro. Even though the muscles don't grow much through your body, I can still see the vibe that you had process had been extraordinary. Muscles can be grown when you started doing sports, and stamina will grow and your body will be stronger." Alex places one of her hand on my shoulder, wryly stating the condition of my body. "Is there something that happened make you don't want to play basketball?"

Silently panicking in the inside, I have my head down, staring at the floor. I, knowing the fact that I couldn't affect the timeline of their story, silently practice on my own. Based on my past memories, I was able to recall and practice the skill that my sister, Mika had once processed. I practice my eyes to catch the actions of any basketball player by constant watching basketball player competing for each other. Although my eyes aren't as strong as Akashi's Emperor's eye, which allows him to see the every movement of a player, I can react to any person's movement and sometimes know how they move.

"No, it's just that..." I muttered the word, thinking for a reason to cover my reason on playing basketball.

"Maybe because you don't want to be compared with Taiga?"


Did she get the wrong idea?

"I understand that feeling! Constantly being compared to someone else is something I hate the most. I mean when I was in WNBA, I was constantly comparing with one of the players there just because of we in the same position on the basketball court. It annoyed me most of the time, and after my eyes worse, I was kicked out!!!" Alex frustratedly shouted as she blurted out her past to me. Honestly, I was surprised when she told me her past unconsciously.

I never knew that Alex has such past, I mean even in the animation, it didn't mention anything about her past other than the fact that she's an ex-WNBA player and she left due to her eyesight worsen.

A small smile is plastered on my face.

Guess they aren't characters from an animation anymore, they are real human here...

"Based on what you have said, you like basketball, right? I can train and teach you, so do you want me to teach you in another time, separated with your brother Taiga and Tatsuya?"

Basketball, huh? .....Well~ I was secretly practicing at night anyway, and Momoi liked basketball too, so maybe we can have a better conversation when we first met. I need to protect her anyways.....

"Is that really fine for you? I mean I 'm not as strong as Taiga-nii or Tatsu-nii and I'm really bad at sports. Are you sure that you want to teach me?"

"I like kids, so I'm fine with teaching you. If you don't want to play basketball with your brother, do you want me to teach you during night time?" Alex innocently tilted her head with a radiant smile on her face which makes me backed away a bit.

"...Alex. Was that an invitation? I'm too young for that. Are you a shotacon by any chance?"


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