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"Don't cry," I told myself, "Be strong!"

"I'm so sorry, Brooke. Its for the best. We promise!" Mom told me, looking me right in the eye, as Dad nodded.

Wimps. They couldnt have told me sooner? No, they had to wait until the taxi was outside and waiting for me. To bring me off to live with some woman as her little personal maid! They had packed my bags for me, they just put everything into two little suitcases. So, that was it. I was leaving.

"Why?" I asked, my voice croaking.

"We.....we can't afford you living with us anymore. We're sorry. Your the only one thats old enough to leave. Jessie is only nine. She has to stay. And Kyle is only four......" Mom trailed off.

I looked around our sitting room. It was grubby, small and dull. We barely had anything but a few torn up pieces of furniture. Maybe I was better off leaving this life of misery. I was adopted, you see, from a very young age, I was left at my adopted parent's door. They tried for ages to find my rightful parents, years actually but turned up with nothing so they took me in and adopted me. I've no memories of my real parents so I just think of these people as real parents and call them Mom and Dad.

"Fine, I'l go." I agreed reluctantly. Well, I was going anyway so I might as well agree.

"Good. You'll be better off there. Plus you are so organised. They will love you!" Mom said as Dad started bringing my suitcases out to the taxi.

"OK, honey. We love you." Dad said, giving me a hug. I had no doubt that they loved me because they loved everything and everyone, which made them brilliant role models for the world but why were they sending me away?

I was now standing outside our tiny house. Mom and Dad were at the door as I made my way to the taxi, by myself. I got in and winded down the window as I heard Mom say "Mrs King will love you!"

The taxi pulled off before I had time to ask her, if she was being serious. It couldn't be THE Mrs King. the fashion designer in LA. Probably not, theres a lot of people with that surname in America.

I rolled back up the window and watched my tiny house get smaller, as we drove. The only place I could ever call home. Leaving without a trace. I didnt even get a chance to say proper goodbyes. I leaned my head against the window and let the car's engine lull me intoto a deep sleep.

A/N - So what do you think?? Please comment!


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