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Sophia and Torment



Torment’s POV 

Feet speeding towards the human, her long red hair whipping around, slashing at her back. Her red eyes pierce the soul of the human. Yup. That’s me.

 I hiss, my fangs baring darkly at the pathetic human before me, and my claws slashed from my fingertips. Just moments ago, I would have looked like a reasonable normal human being. That was all but a disguise. The green eyes, normal red hair, the goth clothing. That wasn’t me.

Flipping into the air, I knock the poor man to the ground. My teeth pierced into his skin, when suddenly I was thrown off. There stood a teenager with a baseball bat. “Leave this man alone!” The teen shouted at me. I stood up, taking a step towards him, smiling.  That’s when it happened. A pain erupted in the side of this pathetic human body. I was bleeding! Damnit, was I ever mad now. This boy should have never messed with me. 

Wings slashed out of the core of my back, the tips of my bat-like wings sharper than a sword. I hiss at the boy standing before me.. 

“What the hell are you!?!?!”

“My name is Torment.” My tongue slithered out like a snake as I hissed again. I smiled evilly, “My father is Satan. You might know him as the Devil. He has many names, he also goes by Lucifer, or so I believe….” 

His eyes widened, the bat dropping from his hands. Suddenly, he bolted away, gone quickly. 

“Finally… I can eat.” I stepped towards the man. “I am starving…” 


Sophia’s POV 

It was my very first day of school here, on Earth, and I was going to be late for class when I had been so excited to learn human things! Why was my luck so poor?

I didn’t want to be rude, but ended up shoving my way through a group of students. “Excuse me, coming through!” I shouted as I shoved my way through. “Sorry!” I sped down the hall, feet moving quicker than the rest of my body anticipated, causing me to fall, red hair flopping in my face, as I crashed into a boy.

“I am so sorry!” I said, feeling my green eyes widen, a blush forming on my face. “Are you the new girl?” 

“My name is Sophia. I have to get to class, sorry for crashing into you. Bye!” I said, and ran off, continuing for class, when I slipped again, this time, a deep pain in my side. I crashed, landing on the floor this time. “Damn it! Why does this keep happening today?” I cried, clutching my side. The boy appeared in front of me again. “Tyler. Let me help you. Where are you headed?” He chuckles. “Room 108.” I groan, grabbing his hand as its offered. He pulls me up off my butt without effort. “Follow me.” He winks, smiling. His blue eyes sparkle. 

“No thanks. I don’t want to be a bother.” I shake my head, standing up. 

“You won’t be.” He chuckles and starts leading me down the hall.

“Huh?” I ask.  “We have the same class.” He explains. 

I cross my fingers on my free hand and pray he doesn’t notice how soft an angel’s skin can be.

“Here we are.” He opens the door, and the teacher glares at us, stopping what she’s doing.

“You’re very late.” She says it as a statement. I smile sheepishly. “Sorry. I didn’t know how to get here…” “You?” She looks at Tyler.

“Just helping out a fellow student.” He mutters sitting down in a empty seat. The only other seat is next to him, so I slide in the chair quickly. She shakes her head and continues on with the lesson. I write notes in my book quickly as she talks, and I feel Tyler’s stare on me. Is this normal for humans? I feel like such an alien… Then I remember, aliens probably don’t exist – do they? Well.. I suppose if demons and us angels exist then-

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