Moonpie stared at the dark hole created by the vile V and Bella had made. "What in the name of heaven lost property did you guys do?" she asked.
Bella scratched her neck. V folded her ears down and stared down at the whole."We didn't make this..." she said finally. Moonpie stared at the hole. The hole stared back.
Suddenly, a face stared back at her. Moonpie stepped back."Uhh, guys..." she said. Bella summoned her blood soaked sword."What. The. Hell. Is that!?" V screamed.
Slowly, a pale hand reached out of the hole. It grabbed onto tuff's of grass, struggling to pull up the rest of the body.
Bella aimed her sword at the hand, but before she could get to throw the sword, a familiar head popped up.
Moonpie's head. Or, it looked to be Moonpie's head. Her bangs were slightly shorter and her hair was fluffier, she also had a eye patch on. Bella halted in her spot as the rest of the body came up.
As soon as the girl came up, she looked around at the three girls. Her eyes laid on Moonpie after a while, but then flickered to the gun in her hand."Shit," she growled out.
"you two, go get a boulder to fill out this hole!" she ordered, looking at Bella and V. They stood there, dumbfounded. The girl growled at them again.
At once, they ran to get something heavy. Once they were gone, the woman turned around to Moonpie. They both examined one another.
The woman looked to be Moonpie. She had the facial things. Red hair, pink barrettes, and icy blue eyes, but she also had shorter hair and a dark purple eyepatch.
She had half of a green shirt, a dark teal jacket, and cut baggy pale pants. She also had one giant pale wing.
Moonpie stared at the woman. The woman sighed. She put the gun on safety and stuffed it into the pocket of her jacket."I guess that day finally came." she said.
Moonpie ruffled up her wings as the woman can closer to her."Who are you?" she asked. "WE FOUND A BOULDER!" V's voice rang as a boulder passed both of the girls' heads.
The woman smiled."I'm you, but in the future." she said as the boulder covered up the hole. Moonpie's eyes widened. No, way. She thought to herself.
Future Moonpie stretched out her singular wing and looked around."Ah man, it is so good to be back here!" she yelled. V and Bella stared at her. They asked the same question as Moonpie.
Future Moonpie responded with a chuckle,"You....Really can't see the similarities?" she asked, hugging Moonpie around the neck. V and Bella's eyes widened."Are you...?" V shook her head."There is no way..."
Future Moonpie smiled."I am Moonpie." she said triumphantly. The three younger girls stared at her, surprised and dumbfounded.
"Wait," Moonpie spoke up after a long of silence."if your me from the future, explain why we both have only one wing?"
Future Moonpie smiled."Sit around, I'll explain everything." she said, patting the ground around her down with her blue tennis shoes. The three took he advise and sat around the newcomer.
Future Moonpie smiled."A long time from now, a war broke out between monsters and humans. All monsters were ordered to find all the soul projects and vis versa for the humans. I was taken by the humans. They re kindled me in a way. They set my brain up so I can have emotions again and when I did bad they punished me."
Future Moonpie paused."After my training was over I was sent off to battle. Luckily, just as I was sent out for war, the war itself ended. They made me return home, wearing a participant reward over my neck. Everyone asked me where I was, and I told them a lie."
Future Moonpie growled at herself. She mumbled something to herself that Moonpie couldn't understand. Moonpie stared at the eye patch and wing."Are those from punishment?" she asked.
Future Moonpie stared at her past self and smiled."What? No. After I got home I decided to go after those scientists who trained me." she said, using hand motions to indicate she was joking.
"They ended up ripping half my wing off. Their was no use for it so I tore the rest off. As for the eye patch.." Future Moonpie took off the eye patch to reveal a perfectly icy blue eyeball."It's only there for protection. After I got shot in the nose."
Everyone looked closely at Future Moonpies nose. Sure enough, there was a pencil sized hole just across the brim of her nose.
V gasped."Crockey! That shooter must've had a good sharp shooter skills to shoot you right there!"
Future Moonpie smirked."Yeah, he was." she said. Bella frowned." Wait, if your here and our Moonpie is here wouldn't that create some kind of paradox?"
Future Moonpie laughed."Your being ridiculous Bell! It would only be an paradox if I was trying to kill myself! Moonpie..." future Moonpie paused as she began to mumble to herself.
V looked at her."So, since your here, what should we call you cause I don't like calling you Moonpie as well...Cause that's confusing." V asked. Future Moonpie glanced back up, an surprised look on her face.
"Just call me M!" she said happily, a smile forming on her face.