Update + Voice Reveal ×Rant

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Okay, so.
You've probably seen the video.
And if you did then you know what had been going on with me
And if you don't then go on Youtube and type in Update For Mostly Wattpad

Or copy and paste this


I think that's the right link

Anyways. I did a live stream, or tried to. Mostly just talked on it. And was really awkward...

Anyways, rant.

So one of my newest characters
Phabirious, is not a liked character due to her looks

AAs you can clearly see her arms are down to her waist, one eye is below her mouth and it look like octopus has taken up her hair

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AAs you can clearly see her arms are down to her waist, one eye is below her mouth and it look like octopus has taken up her hair.
She's also like the size of a medium hotel.

Like, 12 feet

And another character Berveve, is also disliked due to her name

Anyways she is disliked by my mom due to her strange appearance and her name

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Anyways she is disliked by my mom due to her strange appearance and her name. I just want to let you know

Not all monsters have to human like in appearance or have names that are similar to human ones.

In fact, when you think of Monster you think of something non human like. That's what I'm striving for, but in my cute cartoon style. Also, have you guys ever read a Wings Of Fire book or Warriors book with one of the characters having a human name like.....Jack or Sara?

No, because the animals in those books are not human. And neither are these monsters. They are not human so they don't deserve a human like name. They shouldn't have some quirky name either like leggy or birdy. 

They should have strange names such as garfore, Qiurwer, or Alamaowth.

Anyways. The normal doesn't apply to different species like how names don't apply to some countries and sound weird to others.

Such as.....Idk! Maridith. Might sound okay to us Americans and English people but in Africa they would stare at you like you had three eyes.

What I'm implying is that you cannot judge something based on looks and names. These two characters, as far as I know, are very loving and affectionate. Phabirious is the monster caretaker.
And Berveve (even though dead) risked her life for her children.

I'm just saying.

Oh, and here's the orginal picture of them

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Oh, and here's the orginal picture of them. You have Berveve. Director, Phabirious, Vavil, Windrik, Erigon, and Cintree

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