The adventure begins...with a grocery list

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Donnie the dinosaur was a big, green, 31 year old dinosaur living in his parent's basement at Mountain Rock. He loved it there and he always told his parents that he loved them, even if he loved their financial assets more than he loved them.

One day, Donnie the dinosaur came home to find his parents sitting at a big, stone table. They both looked at each other before looking at him, and said,

"Donnie, you need to start working."

Donnie was baffled. He stayed at his parents' house for over three years job free. They even paid for his taxes instead of Donnie doing them.

"Donnie...we'll be assigning you the job of grocery shopping every ** and **." They said, handing Donnie a piece of rotten flesh with the groceries engraved in them. Donnie let out an annoyed huff before he turned around and went out the door.

Today would have to be the start of a new adventure, a new, exciting chapter, in Donnie the Dinosaur's life.

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