Take a visit

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I looked into the room over stiles shoulder and saw Scott on the floor. He looked calm, and was in human form. I cautiously went up to him and rested my hand on his back.

"Scott, we need to see Derek. You need to control these powers."

"Fine." Scott almost growled."but not until tomorrow."

The next morning, we headed out the door of Stiles bed room. As we were walking out, I tripped over mid air and fell face down on carpet. I sighed and got back up quickly and caught up to the boys. We went down the stairs and Stiles froze, stopping Scott also.

"Stop, stop, stop." Stiles whispered. He turned his head around the corner, then whipped it back. His hands waved up and down at us, which meant we needed to go back upstairs. Scott and I rushed up the stairs, but didn't make any noise. Stiles followed and we went back to his room.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"My dad, he would never let us go outside or anywhere after all the cases of missing people, and if he caught us then he would keep a close watch on all of us." He stated.

"So what are we going to do now?" Scott asked, frustrated. Instead of answering, Stiles walked over to his window, opened it, and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and walked over to the window, then climbed out behind Stiles.


We made it to Derek's house, a huge burnt down structure in the middle of the woods. We stood in front of it, and waited for him. Derek knew we were here, he was a werewolf, he could like sense us or something. The three of us stood there awkwardly waiting. About 5 minutes passed and I got concerned. I concentrated and pushed my mind to the limit.

Derek, we are here, where are you? Are you okay? I sent through my mind. I thought. Derek, Derek, Derek, and hopefully it sent to him. I heard a twig snap, and my head darted to see.

"What is it?" Scott asked concerned.

"A twig snapped..." I started but then remembered, Scott can hear like ten times better than I can, why didn't he hear the twig?

"I didn't hear anything." He answered my question. I must he hearing things or something. A sharp sound, high pitched and ear shattering came next. I covered my ears and cringed, but when I looked up the two boys seemed fine. Stiles glanced over to me then turned his head back, but then looked at me again as if just realizing that I seemed hurt. I fell to my knees, exhausted. Stiles and Scott rushed over to me and Scott put a hand on my shoulder, while Stiles held me securely.

"Are you okay? Allison what happened?" Stiles voice was frantic. Before I could answer we were interrupted by another voice.

"What is it." The annoyance in the tone of the person's voice was clear.


The three of us looked up a him, in a black t-shirt and black jeans, his usual style.

"Scott, come with me." He said, as if reading our minds. His voice was demanding, and Scott followed him. Stiles and I got up, but Derek turned with a hand up before we could take a step in their direction. "you two, go home or something, Scott needs to focus on his training, unlike last time." Derek snapped and glared over to Stiles. Stiles face got red and he gave an innocent smile. I remember what happened last time, Derek was trying to get Scott to focus, I was watching them, and Stiles was running around the house, screaming. About halfway through the session, Stiles came downstairs wearing Derek's clothes, had a drawn on beard, and stomped around screaming "I'm the Alpha!" Eventually he was kicked out, to wait outside.

I laughed at the thought, and sat back down in the leaves. Stiles followed my action, as Derek and Scott went inside.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked again grabbing my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said and looked into his eyes. They were brown and shimmered in the moonlight. He reached his hand down, and I took it. He pulled me up quickly and brought me into his arms. I giggled and slowly stood up by myself.

"Hey, so I have a serious question." Stiles said and leaded me to the side of the house. I nodded and waited for him to start. "Okay, so I asked my dad about this, and since your parents are... Ya know... Abusive-"

"You didn't have to say the word." I interrupted. "But go on,"

"Sorry." Stiles looked embarrassed. "Okay, so I was going to ask you if you wanted to live with my dad and I for a little while." Stiles eyes looked hopeful.

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