Love at the first sight

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Ivan pov.

Hey gorgeous! So how about this I belong to you and you belong to me?(smirk)😏 I said
"How about no?(boringly) do you even know me ,cuz I actually it's my first time seeing you...umm maybe you are drunk or something so excuse me" Raquel said walking away but I caught her wrist before she leaves "I didn't finish talking so you can't leave "I said ."what is it that you want sir"Raquel said
" are right I don't know you and I am not drunk ,but maybe I could be drunk by your beauty and believe me we will have all the time to know one another "(wink) I said
"Well too bad I don't have time for perverts like you to play around "she said and left quickly.
Ivan's thoughts
"Oh you just made a big one can ever dare say no to me. I will make you mine just wait and see hun"

Raquel pov.

"Hey Irene can we talk?"I asked
"Of course little one😂 so what's up?" Said Irene ."'s just that there is that boy that...umm.."I said . I just don't want to tell her anymore."that what?..." Said Irene
"Never mind" I said."no tell me"said Irene."oh just saying I met a nice guy " I said (hesitantly)."okay is that all?" Said Irene "yeah hehehe"I said . Irene thoughts "I know she is hiding something I just hope when it's the right time she will tell me"

Carlo pov.(btw c is Carlo and r is Raquel)😊

<<phone call >>

C:sup bae
R: who is it?
C: deleted my number already huh?
C: yup good guess...anyways can we meet up?
C:please babe
R:no and I am not your babe
(2 seconds after)
C:ok ok it's just I saw that dude hitting on you today and I felt ,jealous?
R:hahahaha ...u actually made me laugh (sarcastically) stop with that bullshit already and just a reminder we are already over so it's not your business anymore..oh and don't call me again " (seriously)
<<end call>>
Carlo thoughts "not even a good bye 😒 anyway you will be mine again so soon "(smirk)

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