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Raquel pov.

On my way home,I saw a weirdly familiar figure and when I got closer it turned out to be Carlo. "Sup bbe " said Carlo."what is it now?"I said (boringly)."be mine" he said."fuck off weirdo". I said. " why do u like that guy from the bar?" He said. " who ?ivan? " I said." Yeah that one" he said. " it's non of your business " I said and walked away." JUST WAIT TILL YOUR MINE" he shouted cuz I was far from him.
<<at home>>
"Welcome home sis" said Irene (sarcastically). "What is it now?" I said." Who is that Ivan guy?"she asked." How do you know him?" I asked ." Oh so you really know him ...well he called you on the home phone an-" before she continued I said"WHAT" "does dad know " "nope I didn't tell him" said Irene "care to explain?" Said Irene." Do you remember the guy I told you about?" I said,"yes" she said "well it's him ...hahaha(awkward laugh)"I said "oh god Raquel you need to be more careful ok?" Said Irene "yes ma'am 😂 " I said

       << Raquel texting Ivan >>

R: are you out of your mind?
I: why hun?
R: first I am not your hun and second don't call me on my home phone again and I don't care where you get it but do it again and your dead
       <<Raquel leaves the chat>>

             To be continued....

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