Lovers fight

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             <<At the bar>>

Third person pov.

When Raquel saw Ivan coming her way she acted as if he wasn't there;but Ivan caught her then he called her with a loud voice. Raquel's cheeks got red from embarrassment and she went to him.
"So?" Said Ivan
"So what?what would you like to order sir?" Said Raquel
"You"said Ivan smirking
"Excuse me I think I heard you wrong can you say that again " said Raquel
"I want you" said Ivan
"Please leave sir that is a place for work I am not here to joke around "said Raquel
"And I'll-" before Raquel could finish her word Carlo came and gripped Ivan's collar and said "she is already taken so don't think about it" angrily. Ivan broke himself free from Carlo's grip and said"don't you dare touch me again....and who is she taken by" said angrily."she is taken by me" said Carlo." Wtf you never told me that"said Ivan to Raquel." First I am no ones girlfriend,second you didn't ask and third it's non of your can you both get out?" Said Raquel. Carlo walked out peacefully." No one can say no to me I am rich and handsome you should be thankful I even asked you" said Ivan proudly." Well..who asked for your attention and I never thought of dating someone who is so proud I rather date a dog" said Raquel ." Oh and guess what I have a surprise for you" said Raquel again.
"What is it?" said Ivan curiously
"Someone just said no to you" said Raquel."and who may that be?" Said Ivan."me" said Raquel
"Now get out before I call the security" said Raquel. " ok I will leave this time but I will came back bby girl" said Ivan. And then he left .

Ivan's thoughts"playing hard to get won't help you Raquel just wait"😏

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