The truth

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Raquel was talking to Irene in their house.

Irene: Raquel I'm so worried about you.
Raquel: why ?
Irene: Ivan is not your type, he is not for people like us.
Raquel: he loves me
Irene: we don't care about how he feels.
Raquel: I do care about him.
Irene: you love him?!
Raquel: ITS MY LIFE.
Irene: I'm gonna tell dad.
Raquel: no please, he will leave. I don't want dad to hurt him.
Irene: okay I'm not going to wait for a long times .

"Carlo texting Raquel*
Carlo: hey
Raquel: what do you want.
Carlo: I miss you Raquel, I don't know why you left me.
Raquel: I don't love you anymore, we're over, please leave me alone.
Carlo: give me another chance plz.
Raquel: I can't. I have to go.
*Raquel leaves the chat*

*next morning in the café*
Raquel: what can I bring you miss.
Woman: you are Raquel, right?
Raquel: you know me?
Woman:Ivan doesn't stop talking about you .
Raquel: excuse me?
Woman: I'm Ivan's girlfriend. Every night he talks about you. He keeps saying ur name. Your photos are always on his phone.
Raquel: I swear to god, their is nothing between me and him.
Woman: it's nothing about you, it's about him.
Raquel: i'm sorry for everything anyway , I have to go.

*raquel called Ivan*
Ivan: hi , I didn't see you since the beach day.
Raquel: you have a girlfriend?!
Ivan: what are you talking about? A girlfriend? No.
Raquel: you're a liar , you lied to me. She came to me today.
Ivan: I don't have a girlfriend, I don't know who is she. Okay just calm down, did she tell you her name or anything about her.
Raquel: no ,not that I remember
Ivan: can you describe her for me.
Raquel: black long hair, brown eyes, pale skin.
Raquel: who is she!?
Ivan: my ex girlfriend, she still loves me and she was shocked when I dumbed her so that's why she came to you .
Raquel: seriously!?
Ivan: Raquel you have to believe me.
Raquel: okay, but prove it.
Ivan: okay I will send you screenshots after I talk with her.
"Ivan ended the call*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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