At the bar

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Third person POV ~

Ivan saw Raquel at the bar but when their eyes met she looked away and started walking away,then suddenly Ivan ran up to her stoping her.
Ivan: why don't you care about me.
Raquel:why would I care you are just like any costumer who comes you are not special and even if I did my ex won't leave us alone
Ivan: Raquel I will love you no matter what ,so don't try to run away and don't give a fuck about your ex he won't hurt me
Raquel: ok,look here mister I don't know you to love you and you don't know anything about me so don't play around me
Ivan: give me a chance and you will see.
Raquel: I don't want... you are all the same what Carlo did was enough ,I don't need more drama so please leave me alone
Ivan:you can't judge all the boys just because of your ex I am not like him and I promise you I will treat you like a princess
Raquel: you're a mess do know that.
Ivan: I don't care. I just want you *he gets closer*
Raquel: well I have to work.
                         *Raquel leaves*
Ivan*sighs and walks out going home*
*Carlo runs to Ivan *
Carlo: what do you think you're doing.
Ivan: what?
Carlo: she is mine.
Ivan: *laughs sarcastically * who are you to talk to me? Huh listen here boy I am Ivan the Ivan and I get what I want whether you like it or not understood?
Carlo: you really think that with your money you can buy anything? Think twice she won't come running into your arms cuz of your money
Ivan: oh you think that? Well,I didn't I know she isn't like this she just isn't into you anymore she even said she hates you and for the record she WAS yours now she isn't *smirk and walk away *
•••••After he arrives home he start texting Raquel ~•••••

Ivan: what are you doing.
Raquel: non of your business
Ivan: I missed you.
Raquel: ugh 🙄
Ivan: I know you like me.
Raquel: what do you want from me. And I don't go away
Ivan: a night with you.
Raquel: WHAT!?
Ivan: I mean DINNER. Don't get me wrong. Damn autocorrect
Raquel: first no and second how will autocorrect change dinner to night *smirk face*
Ivan: even for a dinner ?
Raquel: I'm not interested ,bye
    *ivan smiles* she is in love with me already and sleeps *
Raquel POV~
I hate him already oof *goes to sleep*

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