Somewhere Weakness Is Our Strength

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Jack's POV

Once we waved goodbye to Hayley, Alex seemed to not be able to pull me away fast enough. I mean, we both had a super fun time with her, but what he wanted to tell me was obviously something that needed to be shared sooner rather than later. He began guiding me with his hand firmly on my shoulder. It was pretty strange that he didn't just hold my hand, but I didn't question it at that moment and decided to go with it.

Following behind Alex gave me a pretty good view of his very round, very perky ass. It moved quite nicely in his jeans and I happily stared as he led me to wherever it was we were going.

"Wait, where are we going?" I inquired aloud. My mesmerization of Alex's fine behind had distracted me from the actual destination we were heading towards. Which was his car.

"We're blowing off sixth. I only have gym, and this is important," he stated simply.

"Hey, you may have gym, but I have English and you know what I cannot..... Ok. Who am I kidding, I would much rather be anywhere with you than in that dreaded penitentiary," I shrugged my shoulders and ducked into the passenger seat of the beat up Toyota. He unclipped the keychain from his belt loop, flipping threw the several metal pieces before finding the right one and turning it in the ignition. "Not to sound repetitive or anything, but where do you plan on taking us?" I questioned as we pulled away from the school.

"I thought we could just drive around. Stop and explore anything we find while we try to figure this thing out."

"Whatever you say Sherlock Homes."

"Ok, now was that a joke about my britishness, or about wanting to investigate?" he asked, pulling the end of his sentence into a yawn.

"Huh, I guess it could be both. God, sometimes I am just so brilliant without even trying," I smiled. He nodded and laughed while the school behind us continued to get smaller in the rear view mirror. I yawned too, suddenly feeling a wave of sleepiness wash over me.

"Ok, now back to whatever the fuck happened," he fidgeted, sitting up straighter as he drove, trying to wake himself.

"Jeez, you're really shaken up about this."

"Well, yeah. I mean it was pretty freaky. I don't know how you do it all the time."

"Wait, do what?" I asked nervously. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter and his eyes hyperfocused on the road ahead of him.

"Minds...." he mumbled. My eyes widened at what I was sure I didn't just hear.

"Come again?"

"In class, it was, I uh, IthinkwhenItouchyouandyou'rereadingmindsIcandoittoo," he shot out in a single breath.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Dead," he responded almost coldly.

"So... what do we do?" I asked tentatively. Alex was usually the man with the plan and I was counting on him having some sort of direction on how to handle this.

"I was thinking we should try to test it. Like figure out the logistics and stuff about how it works," he paused like he had a thought mid-sentence. "And if my power will do the same thing to you," he finally finished.

"Do you really think it works that way?"

"Why wouldn't it? It makes the most sense actually," he shrugged.

"Yeah I guess. Hey, turn up ahead here," I commanded.


"Because there's a bitchin ice cream shop just up the road, and I'm hungry."

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