I'll Make Your Past Regret It's Future

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Alex's POV

My eyes soon became strained from trying to covertly glance back and forth between Jack and Zack. It was safe to say that the contents of my stomach had been bouncing and twisting like a circus performer ever since Zack came dashing down from the tree. And as he wrapped me in his arms to ascend back up the trunk, I was in such a state of shock that it hadn't hit me yet that he was basically flying. There was so much I wanted to ask him, but the first words out of my mouth were an order to let Jack know we were here, and then go get him off the ground; which he obeyed obviously considering that was kind of his mission in the first place.

It was off putting to see him in a different environment than the backyard of that party. It's like when you only ever watch a movie on one spot of the couch, and when you're forced to sit somewhere else it feels like you're watching a completely different movie. The only memory I had of him was from that party, and I pretty much convinced myself that I'd never see him again. Yet here he was.

My presence in the car had virtually become unknown as I sat there silently contemplating what the fuck my life had become. The drive didn't last that long, which was the only saving grace about the situation. It was pretty easy to determine that we were almost there when I spotted what looked like a frat house situated on the end of the street. As we approached it, Tay stood up on the passenger seat, threw her hands in the air, and wiggled her hips a little bit, earning a cheer from a bunch of kids milling around on the lawn. Rian was smirking to himself, painstakingly trying to keep his eyes on the road and not look at Tay shaking her booty. Oh the poor boy had it bad for her. She gave a small laugh, plopping back down in her seat and rolling her eyes at the teenagers still vaguely hooting and hollering. Once again, she looked back to say something to us, but portrayed that same worried look that snapped her mouth shut and glued her eyes to the driveway ahead.

As the tires rolled over smooth concrete onto the front of the property, the car was swarmed with teenagers. Guys, girls, kids who looked 23, and others who barely looked 15. A few started talking to Rian, Tay, or Zack. I placed my hand on Jack's arm and tried to silently communicate with him.

Should we do something or...?

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

Maybe we have to slaughter our way through them like a zombie movie. You know to prove our strength.

Although the hearing voices in my head thing was still a little weird, I couldn't help breaking out into laughter at the comment. Jack soon joined in the giggle fest and we were just looking at each other and grinning uncontrollably. When we speak this way, it kind of takes all of my focus, and I often block out everything else that's going on in the world. That is why I didn't realize everyone around us had gone silent until Zack cleared his throat beside me and I was pulled back into reality. All the kids surrounding the car were staring at the two of us curiously. My cheeks flared red and I stared down at my lap, avoiding eye contact.

"Inside joke," Jack proclaimed. 

More like an inside our head joke.

Jack chuckled again and it struck me that my had was still placed on his arm. I quickly tore it away, earning a strange look from Zack.

"Should we, uh, go inside?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. C'mon," Zack responded warily, opening the door.

We followed him out of the car, across the lawn, and into the large house. Although the outside set the scene of a fraternity, the interior was more similar to a boarding school. We entered down a long hallway with hardwood floors that opened up to what looked like a meeting room. We passed it, turning the corner to the right. There were kids staring at the three of us as we ventured down each hallway. Zack seemed unfazed and didn't acknowledge any of them as he led us up a flight of stairs. The hallway of rooms reminded me of the hotel in the Shining, only with more people, and little whiteboards hanging on the front of each door. We walked up to the two last rooms on the left and Zack took out a dry erase marker from his pocket, popping the cap with his teeth. 

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