People know of Bella and Edward. This is my version of Twilight. In this version, Bella has a sister. Her sister's ten months older, and a foot taller that Bella. When Bella and her sister come to live with Charlie, they each catch the eye of a Cul...
The next few days were interesting to say the least. The first day of school was normal. Excluding Dickward's behavior towards Bella, it was pretty normal.
Sure, Dickward and Jasper weren't in school for the next few days. I chalked it up to two things. Either both of them had caught a virus, or Dickward was being a huge douche bag and dragged his brother along with him.
I knew that if he showed up on Monday, I was gonna kick his ass. No one upsets my sister and gets away with it. Luckily, today's Sunday so I have a few hours in between us.
Since it was Sunday, that meant my dad was going fishing. Whenever Bella and I still visited our dad in Forks, he would take us to La Push while he and a few friends of his would go fishing. Bella would spend time with a kid name Jacob and his sisters.
I always felt uncomfortable around Jacob for some reason, so I always spent time with Leah Clearwater. She was a girl that didn't take shit from anyone. The first time we met each other, we ended up in all brawl. She ended up with a split lip, black eye and sprained wrist. I ended up with split lip, broken nose, cut cheek, three broken fingers, and a twisted ankle.
While we were in the hospital, her parents made her apologize. My dad did the same with me, and somehow, we ended up becoming the best of friends. After Bella made us vacation in California up for the rest of the time, I would divide my time in half. A week in California, and a week in Forks. I lost contact wit her, when I entered high school. Hopefully my dad will let me go see her.
I walked down the stairs, sleepy as hell, but excited nonetheless. I grabbed some cereal and poured myself a bowl.
"You're up early." My dad said, walking into the kitchen.
"I can get up early if I want to, you know. It does happen." I said.
"Not unless you want something. So, what is it?"
"Can I go to La Push with you?" I asked.
"That's it?"
I nodded, munching on a bite of cereal.
"Well, of course you can. No need to ask. I'm leaving in a few, so go get dressed." He said.
I finished the bowl, and dashed upstairs. I took a quick shower, and changed into some decent clothes. I wore a dark red plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, over a white tank top. For pants, I wore a pair of dark blue, high-waisted, skinny jeans from Nordstrom. I stepped into my black ankle booties, before grabbing my phone and bag.
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I walked, well dashed, down the stairs ready to go.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Yeah. Lets go."
I was grinning the whole way to La Push. I hadn't seen my friends since I was younger. I was excited to see them.
When we pulled into the Black's driveway, a man sitting in a wheelchair waved at us from the porch. As we got out, my dad greeted him.
"Hey, Billy!"
Well, I feel stupid.
"Hey Charlie. Who's this?"
Before he could say anything, the front door opened, as a teenage boy I presumed to be Jacob stepped out, followed by a few boys.
A chorus of, "Hey Charlie," and "Hi Chief Swan," rang out.
"Boys. Jacob. I presume you remember Saja."
I nodded in their directon, before turning to Billy.
"Do you know if Leah Clearwater's around?"
"She should be at her parents' house. Do you need help getting there?" He asked.
"I remember the way, Mr. Black. Thanks anyway. Could I use your bathroom before I go?"
"Of course. It's just past the kitchen."
As I walked up the Clearwater's driveway, the opened revealing Sue carrying out a full trash.
"Hi Mrs. Clearwater!" I said smiling.
She looked up at me, a smile of recognition lighting up her features.
"Well, well. If it isn't Saja Swan."
She wrapped her arms around me, giving me a bear hug.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How are you, sweetie?" She asked.
"I'm great. I just moved in with my dad. Hey, is Leah around?" I asked.
"Not at the moment. You can wait inside, if you want. Harry's making some of his fish fry." She said.
I debated it for a little while, before agreeing.
"Sure. Beats waiting outside."
I didn't have to wait for long. I spotted her through the kitchen window, walking up driveway. I dried my hands on a hand towel, before stepping outside.
She looked up from the ground, a small smile gracing her features. I could tell something was wrong. Her shoulders were slouching forward slightly, her eyes were red, and her cheeks were wet.
I opened my arms, and she ran into them. Almost knocking me over.
"It's okay," I said rubbing her back. "It'll be okay."
It was unusual seeing her like this. I don't know how I'm gonna help her heal, but I do know this: whoever hurt her, is gonna pay.