People know of Bella and Edward. This is my version of Twilight. In this version, Bella has a sister. Her sister's ten months older, and a foot taller that Bella. When Bella and her sister come to live with Charlie, they each catch the eye of a Cul...
After school got out, I had Bella drop me off at a convenient store in La Push.
"I'm gonna be in La Push for a while. You want me to get you anything?" I asked.
"No. See ya' later."
"See ya'."
Once Bella was gone, I walked over to Leah's house. I knocked on the door and patiently waited. After a few minutes, Sue answered the door.
"Hey, Saja. Here for Leah?"
"Yes, ma'am. Is she here?" I asked.
"No, sorry. She went up to Seattle for the day." Sue said.
"Oh, do you know when she'll be back?"
"Sorry, no."
"Okay. Well, I see you later."
On my way back to the beach, a flash of red caught my attention. I stopped, and looked around. Only to find nothing. I shrugged my shoulders, and continued on my way. Once I reached the beach, I sat down on one of the driftwood logs.
The sound of the waves rolling in, was soothing and relaxing. The only thing I liked about coming to Forks, was getting to visit the beach. Even though I hated the cold, I loved coming to the sea. The smell and sound always calmed me down whenever I threw tantrum, so my dad just took me the beach whenever I visited.
After a while, I got up and started making my way back to the convenient store. I didn't have to wait long for Bella to pick me up, and were on our way home.
I woke up panting, and gasping. I gripped the comforter, not wanting to let go for fear of still being stuck in a dream. After I managed to stabilize my breathing, I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked in the mirror, and would've screamed if it weren't for the fact that my dad and sister were sleeping.
My irises were a deep golden color, almost brown. My canines were slightly longer, just barely poking out of my mouth. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was still asleep. Nothing changed. I took a shower to wake myself up. That didn't even work. I then pinched myself, and concluded that I wasn't dreaming. I got ready for school, and headed downstairs.
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I kept to myself, and made sure that my teeth were kept hidden while Charlie was still here. After he left, I grabbed a granola, and wrote a note that said I was walking to school. I grabbed my jacket, bag, and started walking. It was 7:45 when I got there. I went to my locker, and shifted through my things. Once I found my American History book, I grabbed it along with a notebook, before heading to class.
I sat at the table, with my head down, waiting for class to begin. I said nothing to Jasper when he sat down, and opened my note book. I jotted down my note, and passed it to Jasper.
'Do you believe in weird things? Like the Supernatural?' ~S
'Not really. But Carlisle does. Why?' ~J
'This might sound weird, but do you think we could talk about this over lunch? Like, in the parking lot?' ~S
'You're not going to kill me, are you?' ~J
'What? No! I'm being serious Jasper. This isn't something to joke about you golden-eye cunt.' ~S
I looked out the corner of my eye, to see Jasper bitting his fist, and shaking with laughter. After the teacher came in, I looked forward and prepared for class.
When lunch came around, I walked to the truck. I opened the tailgate, and sat on the tailgate. I inhaled, getting the scent of rain, and trees. I also smelled honey, ginger, and roses.
"You sure you're not going to kill me?"
I jumped, almost falling off the tailgate.
"Damn it, Jasper! You can't just sneak up on people like that!" I said.
"You need to pay better attention to your surroundings."