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I sat in my last class of the day, silently fuming. After I told Jasper what happened, he made it seem like I had imagined the whole thing. I called him a jackass, and walked back into the school. I thought I could trust him for whatever reason, and ended up being laughed at. This is why I choose to be the 'ice queen'. That way, I get to choose whose heart to break. Not the other way around.

When class ended, I grabbed my things, and headed to Bella's truck.


I looked up to see Ben Cheney running towards truck. I rolled the window down halfway down.


"Hey. Could you help me with something?"

"Depends," I said with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Well, I know you said you weren't going to the dance, but I need someone to go with."

"Isn't it a girls choice?"

"Well, yeah."

I looked at him, eyes narrowed slightly.

"Angela's already going with someone else. Isn't she?"

The look on his face said it all.

"Alright. I'll help. When is it?

"This Saturday."

"That's literally tomorrow." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I know, I know. But I didn't want to bother you, with Bella's accident and all."

"Alright. Pick me up at seven. Knowing my dad, he'll want to talk to you for a few minutes."

"Thank you!" He said walking away.

I shook my head, and rolled the window back up. Bella got in, and we pulled into the long line leaving school. Once we got home, I went to my room, and found a dress that I was going to use for prom in Phoenix. I hung it on the back of my door, and looked for the shoes that went with it.

"What're you doing?" Bella asked, standing in my door way

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"What're you doing?" Bella asked, standing in my door way.

"Dragging out formal wear. Ben Cheney wanted to the dance with Angela, but she asked someone else. So he asked me last minute. Being the good friend that I am, I agreed to go."

I opened the last suitcase, and grabbed the smallest pair of heels I had that could go with the dress.

"Does dad know?"

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"Does dad know?"

"He will tonight, after supper."


After we all ate, I waited until my dad moved to the living to watch tv, to speak to him.

"Dad, do you remember the Cheney family?" I asked as he flipped through channels.

"Yeah. Good family. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Ben needed a favor. So, we're going to the dance. I wanted to tell you so you don't interrogate the poor kid."

"What makes you think that I would?"

"Because you did that to a boy I liked once. When I was six. I remember a lot. Don't deny it." I said.

"Okay, okay. I won't traumatize the poor boy. Mostly." He said, waving his hand at me.

"Dad, I mean it. The poor kid's gonna be nervous enough as it is."

"Scout's honor."

After the game he found ended, I headed to bed. Locking all the doors and windows in the process.

"Bella, make sure you lock your window tonight." I said, leaning against her doorway.


"I have a bad feeling. I read this morning that some hikers have gone missing over the past few months in the state. I know it's probably because they either lost their way, or because they got mauled by bears or wolves, or mountain lions. But, I just have this really bad feeling. Can you just humor me? Please."

"Okay. You're really worried about this, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Call me crazy, but it's how I feel right now."

I went to bed, more nervous than I've ever been.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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