A bet

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I went to school the next day wondering if Jasper would speak to me again, or if he would ignore me again. I chose a more....sultry look.

I grabbed my stuff from locker, and went to class. I locked eyes with Jasper as I walked in. I quickly made my to the table and sat down. After all of the students  took their seats, the teacher rolled in a tv, and DVD player.

"Alright class, we're going to watch a video on the civil rights movement. You'll write down ten notes that'll contain significant information. Don't think about skipping out, I'll check after the video is over."

I pulled out a note book and pen, and prepared for the feeling of repetitive to sink in. It didn't take me long to write down what was needed. Once I was done, I put my pen away.

"Done already?" Jasper whispered.

"Yeah. You?"


We talked about things ranging from my favorite color to what Jasper does in his spare time. When class ended, Jasper walked with me to my next class. Turns out that we had chemistry together. Luckily the teacher let us sit where we wanted. As long we payed attention of course.

"Good morning class. I'm not feeling well, so I'll let you do whatever you want. Within reason of course."

I grabbed a note book and some art pencils out of my bag.

"You like to draw?" Jasper asked, sounding curious.

"Yeah. It helps focus my thoughts." I said flipping to an empty page.

"What do you draw?"

"Things I've seen, or dreamed about. Sometimes it's a little bit of both. It all depends on what I've seen recently." I explained.

For the rest of the class, Jasper would ask me questions about various drawings I've done. When the bell sounded off, I was almost finished with my drawing. I placed a protective sheet over the drawing before closing the notebook, and putting it up.

"Afraid to let me see your artwork?" Jasper asked, with a slightly amused look on his face.

"No," I said, trying not to laugh. "It's not quite done, and I never let people see my drawings before they're done."


When lunch time hit, I walked with my sister to to the lunch room. We each grabbed a chicken salad, and a bottle of water before heading to our lunch table.

"I'm telling you Bella, nothing's going on. As much as I find Edward creepy, he's just a teenage boy. Who desperately needs to learn some social etiquette." I said, before stabbing my salad.

I managed a few bites before I heard one of Bella's friends speak up.

"Are you going to ask anyone to the spring dance?"

"No." Bella said shaking her head.

"Neither am I." I said, before taking a drink.

I finished my food, and got up to throw it away.

"Not going to the dance?"

I chuckled.

"Do I look I can dance, Jasper?" I asked, tossing my trash away.

"I think you can."

I snorted.

"Please....if you can somehow manage to get me to dance.....I'll do whatever you want for a week."


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