People know of Bella and Edward. This is my version of Twilight. In this version, Bella has a sister. Her sister's ten months older, and a foot taller that Bella. When Bella and her sister come to live with Charlie, they each catch the eye of a Cul...
The following month after the accident was infuriating. During the first week, Tyler wouldn't leave Bella alone. At all. Bella tried making leave, and I even threatened him with a broken arm. The only solace I could take from this, is that Mike and Eric were also angry about it as I was.
The other thing that happened is that brief commradery Jasper and I had, was gone. He sat as far me as possible. I tried a few times to start a conversation whether saying hello, or via note passing.
He would simply respond by shaking his head or passing the note back with the 'Not now' written in cursive with three lines under it. I stopped after the fifth time. After that, I simply focused on the lesson at hand.
Normally this wouldn't bother me, as I usually dont talk to people. I'm normally known as the cold-hearted bitch who hated everyone and everything. So for this to bother, it scares me immensely.
The only satisfaction I got out of this was at the fact that I watched both Mike and Eric deflate now that Edward wasn't talking to Bella. However with the upcoming dance, I have a feeling that it isn't gonna continue like that.
I went to school that morning wearing something comfortable.
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I also wanted to wear a beanie, but none of them had been washed yet. So I just put my hair up, not caring if pieces of hair hung in my face. When Bella and I arrived at school, I noticed Edward and Jasper looking our way. I flipped them off before dragging Bella into school. We parted ways after grabbing stuff from our lockers.
I reached my history class with no problem. As I sat down, I could see Jasper walk in from the corner of my eye. I payed no mind, and got my stuff out. The teacher arrived not even five minutes later.
"Alright class. Since I'm not feeling that well and have a giant migraine, we're gonna be watching a documentary on that sums up Egyptian history. I wouldn't make you take notes as long as you keep quiet."
As soon as the lights were shut off, I wrapped my jacket up, and used it plus my arms as a head rest. The sound of the documentary becoming nothing but white noise. I wanted to sleep so bad. But every time I felt myself dosing off, a wave of alertness would wash over me.
"By the grace of god, just let me sleep!" I mumbled.
"Saja." I heard Jasper whisper.
"What do you want?" I hissed, sitting up.
"I just wanted to apologize. For how I acted recently."
I snorted.
"For you acted? Jasper, you straight up ignored me. Even after I tried to see if you were okay." I said, trying not to cry.
"I'm sorry," He said, sounding a little worried. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Well, you did. A lot. I thought I made you mad. It wasn't just you either. I could've lost my sister if it wasn't for your brother. I was hurting from that, too. I didn't have anyone to talk to."
I was so focused on trying to calm down, that I failed to notice that a single tear had made a break for it. I felt Jasper's finger brush against my cheek, before disappearing.
I touched the area where I felt Jasper touch me. It was cold, but only for a brief moment. Then the coolness faded away. The rest of the morning went smoothly. Sort of.
After history class, it was like I was hyper aware of my surroundings. It was like I could feel if someone was behind me, before I could hear them. Almost as senses were heightened.
I walked to the cafeteria, looking for my sister. Wanting nothing more than to see if she had a similar experience with Edward. I saw her sitting down at the usual table, looking slightly uncomfortable. I grabbed a ham sandwich, a bag of chips, and a few other things before walking over.
We sat in relative silence. Save for the few things said about the impending girls' choice dance in March. After lunch, I only passed Jasper once in the hallway. But that one time, we briefly locked eyes. I also passed his siblings Rosalie and Emmett.
Emmett didn't look my way, but Rosalie was glaring at me hardcore. I simply raised my eyebrow, silently asking what her problem was. After that, I didn't see any of the other Cullens. I went home that day, a little weirded out from what happened with Jasper. Yet, a little amused from Rosalie looking at me.