Chapter 1

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I shift in the uncomfortable lawn chair adjusting my bikini top. The sun beats down on my already frail, sun burnt skin as I fan myself with the small teen magazine back and forth in front of my red face. It’s almost 105 degrees and the sprinkler at my feet is just not cutting it.

“Well, I think it’s about time we get a pool don’t you think, Tyson?” I ask my 98 pound Doberman Pinscher who is panting next to me. I pat him on the head lovingly when he starts growling towards the house across the street with the brown dead grass and junk all around the property. My attention is brought to something shiny in the bushes. I squint my eyes to get a better look but in an instant I know what, or rather who it is.

I snap to my feet and walk to the edge of my property, Tyson right at my side just waiting for me to give him a command. My hands are on my hips as I shout, “Reese and Malcolm, I know you two are spying on me, so I suggest you stop now or you will regret me ever moving here,” I explain calmly.

There is some slight movement and out comes Reese with a smug look of superiority, “Oh yeah what are you going to do?” he asks cockily. I cross my arms and shift my weight to my right foot. “You see my dog here, Reese? Do you know why his name is Tyson?” I smile slightly when that dumb confused look on spreads across his ridiculously good looking face.

“It’s because he bites.” I say blatantly.

Malcolm suddenly appears next to his older brother. “Hey Melanie! We were just, uh...watching the wild life that surrounds our neighborhood!” Malcolm says making up an excuse. I simply shake my head when Reese looks at his brother and argues, “No we weren’t!”

Malcolm hits him. “Yes we were!”  I let this go on for a few moments just because it's so entertaining.

“Listen you two, if you don’t stop watching me like creeps I am going to sick my dog on the both of you,” I explain curtly, turning on my heals to head in the house.

“Oh yeah! Like we’re really scared of your stupid mutt!” Reese mouths off sarcastically. I swirl my body around facing the boys; Malcolm looks a bit scared but Reese seems to have set up a false sense of bravery.

He steps forward, but so does Tyson, causing the spiky haired boy to back up. “I mean look at it! It’s so small and lame looking, I bet it couldn’t even catch a turtle!” Tyson starts to growl, baring his teeth, and I am getting pretty irritated as well. “It makes me so sad to hear you say that, Reese.”

“Geez Reese! Would you just Shut The Hell Up!” Malcolm shouts. But it’s too late, I have already told Tyson to attack, and the boys are tripping over themselves trying to get away from my all too ferocious pup. I can’t help from bursting out in laughter at how stupid those two look.

Walking into my wonderful air conditioned home, I’m greeted by my mom and dad. “Who were you talking to kitten?” My dad asks, lifting his gaze from the computer screen in front of him. I stifle my giggles and answer nonchalantly, “No one, just doing a little pest control. I’ll be up stairs.”

Up in my room I slip on my shorts and tank top, and soon Tyson is back with apiece of torn fabric in his mouth, the same color as the pair of shorts Reese was wearing. I smile, “Good boy, good dog!” I say cuddling my furry friend.

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