Chapter 3

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 The final bell of the school day echoes through the halls and before the teacher can mutter the homework assignment every student is out of their seat and at their lockers. I sigh with relief shuffling books around my locker. Today was one of those days that make you feel like a rag doll. ; A rag doll that has been pulled through mud, stomped on, and then thrown into the washer and drier for a 6 hour long cycle. “I am exhausted,” I whisper pressing my forehead against the cold metal locker door, my layered brown hair surrounds my long face tickling my cheeks.

Gathering the last ounce of strength my body can muster I lift my head and read down my mental list of homework assignments. “English, Algebra 2, Yearbook,” I murmur,placing books in my messenger bag. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly an exasperated sigh escapes past my lips, “I can’t concentrate with you staring at me, Malcolm!” I spin on my heels and cross my arms over my chest giving him a fake-irritated look.

“How did you know it was me?” He asks a nervous crooked smile tugs at the corners of his lips. I walk over to him and trace my index finger from where his lungs are in his chest up to the base of his neck feeling him tense up from the little physical contact. “I could hear your breathing. You breathe through your mouth sometimes.” His eyes grow wide, “Chemistry.” He says clearing his throat. My brow wrinkles in confusion. “Chemistry. W-we have that project.” 

I inhale sharply finally understanding his random speech. “Ugh, right,” I grumble stalking back to my metallic blue storage unit ignoring the brooding silence that has engulfed us. There is no one left in the halls; it’s just me and Malcolm. I shake my head trying not to think about the schools emptiness.  “Great. My giant Chem. text book.” I groan with half-assed smile on my features. 

Turning my full attention towards Malcolm I see that he hasn’t moved he just stands there like a statue. I swing my messenger bag over my shoulder “Hey, You going to walk with me or what?” My voice shouts to him as I am half way down the hall already. He scrambles to catch up with me but manages.

Malcolm holds the door open for me before I have a chance at it. “I guess chivalry isn’t completely dead now is it?” I thank him noticing a slight blush cross is round face and I pass through the door frame into the sunlight. The heat that hits my skin is overbearing and I mentally thank the past me for wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt because it has got to be 100 degrees out but when I look to Malcolm he seems unfazed by the extreme temperature; I gape at him a bit. 

We walk in silence for some time Malcolm stares at the sidewalk finding it more interesting than anything else around. Soon the silence becomes unbearable so I strike up some conversation again being the bigger man. “Reese breaths through his mouth sometimes too.” What the Hell, Melanie?! Instantly I want to kick myself for even mentioning Reese. The blue eyed 17 year old looks at me, a strange expression plastered across his features. I shrug as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“I mean, I just noticed that you both do it occasionally either from anger or nervousness.” I muse, feeling an enormous amount of pride that I played that off so cunningly. I focus on something else before the blue eyed boy could respond. “So, was there a reason you were watching me from a distance, Malcolm?” Nice subject change.

His blue eyes meet my green ones for a brief moment but he quickly averts his gaze. “I mean I know we live right next to each other but you have never walked with me before.” I chirp trying to break him out of this nervous funk that is seriously getting less cute and more irritating.

“Oh right, Um I wanted to talk to you about this project in Chemistry.” He says still avoiding eye contact with me. Some how I figured that was the case.

“And you decided that after class would be a better time to talk?” I take a deep breath nodding my head in acceptance. He rubs the back of his neck nervously and I realize we are at just outside my house.

“Well this is me and I believe that is where you live” I say gesturing towards the house across the street.

“Yeah, um so would it be cool if you came over to get started on this project since we didn’t really do anything today?” I place my index finger on my chin thoughtfully when he starts stammering yet again.

“I mean you don’t have to.” “Malcolm.” I chime but he doesn’t hear. “We could always just keep it at school and not have to see each other outside of the class room.” “Malcolm.” I roll my eyes knowing he isn’t hearing me.

“I-I mean if you are too busy or dis--” I cut him off by smacking my hand over his mouth. “Malcolm!” This time my voice is less than sweet but I soften my eyes so he doesn’t think I am mad.

“Yes, I will come over.” I answer as his cheeks turn pink making me laugh. I let go and he backs up into the street. “Malcolm, watch out!” I shout as a car drives by barely missing the poor boy. He gives me an a-okay wave. “Is tonight ’round 6ish okay with you” He shouts to me from across the street.

I give him thumbs up and walk through my door.

“Mom I’m home!” I shout through the house. “I’m in the kitchen honey.” she responds cheerfully. The smell of barbeque pork wafts through the air making my mouth water. I kick off my red converse and slide into the kitchen on the glossy tile floor.

Mom is sitting at the table reading one of my Cosmo magazines and I slap my hand to my forehead. “Mom, what are you doing reading that?” I ask embarrassed for her.

“Well I know what these magazines have in them and I wanted to read up on some new and interesting techniques for the bedroom to try with your--”

“Eh stop, stop, stop I really don’t want to hear about your sex-scapades with Dad.” I say covering my ears.

She laughs folding the magazine up and giving me her full attention. “So how was school today?” I lift the pot with the BBQ in it and let the steamy goodness envelope my nose; it smells so freaking good.

“It was okay just another day. Oh, I got harassed by Reese today.” I laugh but my mother is less than thrilled at the news.

“Did he threaten you again? He is such a bad kid… Did you report him to the principle?” I shake my head and smirk slightly at the events of the day.

I lift sit across the table from her and pull my knees to my chest relaxing. “Reese is NOT a threat Mother, I don’t think he could actually hurt me he is too much of an idiot, but yes I agree he is a bad kid and I am usually a step ahead of him so don’t worry.” I say still smiling at how dimwitted he is.

“Mel, I don’t like you being around those boys they are all a bad influence and your dad agrees with me.” She continues reaching out to hold my hand but I am too lost in my own thoughts to really pay attention. 

“That’s too bad because I have this big project due in two weeks and Malcolm is my partner so I am going over to his house tonight around 6.” I admit pleasantly. She furrows her brow seeming to dislike this news even more. I give her one of my big Please-let-me-do-this smiles and with a she gives in without another word.

“Fine but if I hear that anyone from that family gives you trouble I’m going to talk to your teacher about switching you to another class all together.” She threatened.

I kick my feet to the floor standing in frustration but decide not to storm off. “Okay Mom you do that then maybe I will get kicked out of the gifted “Krelboyne classes” and be placed in a class that doesn’t allow me to excel, reach my full potential. Or better yet maybe I’ll be stuck in a dumb class with Reese.” I wink at her, a cunning smirk plastered on my face waiting for her response; she just stares at me for a minute.

“You, smarty-pants young lady are too much,” She declared in a fit of chuckles throwing my own magazine at me but I avoid the flying object gracefully. Heading for the stairs I catch a few more words being shout to me, “I‘m serious Melanie, any more trouble from those boys and your out!”  Well then you just won’t hear about anything that goes on now will you.

I run up the white carpet stairs to my room greet Tyson, who is lying comfortably on his doggie bed. I start on my homework so I don’t get caught staying up late working on it like I normally do.

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