Chapter 7

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“This is your stupid fault!” A furious Trisha points to Reese. The mixed scent of tacos, pizza, spaghetti sauce and cheese wafts through the air.

“Nuh -uh!” He retorts unintelligently. I fight my gag reflex, watching a glob of melted cheese roll down his neck, shirt sleeve, and land with a splat on the tile floor. “I think I’m going to throw up.” I whisper towards the boy next to me.

“Stupid, you deserve to hurl all over yourself,” Reese growls at me. A rush of guilty pleasure rushes through me. He’s so… a shiver runs up my spine and I smile. He is right though. Well mostly.

I giggle uncontrollably receiving confused and irritated stares all around me.

I cock my head to see Trisha standing on the opposite side of the table and I gesture to the seat. Her eyes fly between me and Malcolm but I make it clear that I’m not moving by digging into my mountain of food.

She concedes defeat by sighing and reluctantly sits with me. I smile madly before taking a ravenous bite out of my pizza. “SO Malcolm I here you are working with my friend Melanie, here.” Trisha exaggerates.

“I -uh, yeah” He stutters obviously intimidated by her. “Trisha, be nice!”

“Uh- Melanie, I was supposed to invite you to dinner at my house on Friday.”

“And do what spread your weird?! She is already stuck with you---”

I lose focus on the conversation at hand when my eyes behold another boy of interest. He just stopped the handicapped friend of Malcolm, Stevie, I believe is his name. My eyes narrow at the tall, brown eyed bully and a delicious idea formulates in the frontal lobe of my brain.

I skim the excessive spread of food across our table. I stare back up at the scene meters away, shaking my head in disappointment. “Now that’s just sad.” I exclaim.

“What?” I hear Trisha and Malcolm ask in sync but my eyes do not divert. Reese snatches Stevie’s chocolate milk carton off his tray, opens it, and starts chugging away. I snatch the apple off Malcolm’s tray and chuck it at the boy a few yards away. Victory overwhelms me as it hits its target knocking the milk out of Reese’s grasp splattering the drink all over him.

A few other’s across the way had been caught in the crossfire of chocolate milk waterfall and too were just as furious as Reese. In my head (and I am sure others would agree) a little milk shower is not a big deal; a small price to pay to stop a bully and have a little fun with Reese who is hilariously swiping the milk off his shirt and shouting curses, flailing around hunting the culprit.

Malcolm’s blue eyes widen to the size of quarters and I see Trisha clutching her side from laughter along with the many additional onlookers on our side of the lunch area. I duck down leaning into the table top, trying to hush my friends but they are too distracted by the angry teen that I give in to the attention.

My smile vanishes when I observe Reese’s fire infused rage being directed towards us but he doesn’t run over to us. Suddenly something seems to have exploded on the table in front of me. I look to see it’s two burritos filled with refried beans and hot sauce which I just so happen to be drenched in now. Wiping my forehead and eye, Trisha’s mouth is agape and flinging a handful of beans in the way behind me.

What the heck is happening? An answer is loudly received when some random boy behind me screams in my ear. “FOOD FIGHT!” Sad thing is that just as I am pulled down underneath the metal table all I can think is; How cliché. But hey, why fight it. Malcolm had dragged me below that disgusting carnage of flinging food and a smile reaches my lips.

“I should eat with you more often.” He says smearing ketchup further across his cheek. “I’m flattered you think I’m so fun but-”

“But you’re so dead!” Reese shouted pulling me to my feet and into the line of fire that surrounds us. If you have ever been pelted with food you know it’s unpleasant; beans, corn, cheese any condiment you could think of we were being pelted with.. I take hold of Reese’s hand guiding him around a corner away from the food macabre.

Instead of me taking control of the situation Reese pushes me against the wall trapping me between his arms. What is with these guys and getting me into awkward positions? He breathes down heavily, fuming; I don’t know why but it’s kind of an exciting feeling not entirely knowing what could happen when you are in trouble with a reckless juvenile delinquent. I stare up at him expectantly.

“Well..? Enjoying this sudden burst of excitement” I ask nonchalantly smearing the ketchup stains further across his cheek. He pulls away from my reach.

“What is wrong with you!?” He seethes through his teeth. Oh, such temper but can I blame him.

I open my mouth with a snarky retort but a blistering whistle sliced through the air shattering the ear drums and putting a halt to the food fight. Reese and I walk out and stand next to Trish and Malcolm who is sitting on or table with a tray in his hands I’m only assuming was his shield.

The principle stands near the annex where the doors back into the school are; his expression is that of pure discontent. “Who is responsible for this disaster!?” Not amused at all.

We look around waiting for someone to come forward as the culprit but as expected no one does. I sigh. “You!” The principle screams pointing his index finger at my group. “You four come with me.” It’s at that moment I realize quite a few people are pointing accusingly at Reese, Trisha, Malcolm and myself.

“It’s totally not my fault this time.” Reese insisted. “What? Why? This isn’t fair!” “I don’t see why we should be punished none of us did anything” They all bicker amongst themselves as well as directing the complaints towards the principle. I simply sigh almost feeling bad for making them face the consequences  of my actions. Eehh they will all get over it.

Principle man apparently isn’t going to put up with delinquency even if it’s the truth. “Can it! I don’t care; you four my office now!” None of us put up anymore of a fight as we retreat into the building.

“I’m sorry I- I just can’t help myself. It’s just so funny.” I gasp between my hiccups of laughter.

I straighten myself and regain what could qualify as my sanity when the office door opens. “Melanie, the principle will see you now.

“Malcolm,” I swing my arm around his shoulders, sitting on his lap playfully pretending the terrible smell doesn‘t bother me. His face turns a slight pink color, “If by some miracle I make it out alive, I will have dinner with you.” I jump up when he nods. Also, an interesting observation, I noticed Reese glaring at his brother from my peripheral vision just as I disappear into the office.


 So lovely readers, how are you liking my story? Please leave me a comment, maybe vote. Seriously I need to know how I'm doing. Am I meeting the standards of Malcolm in the Middle? Are the Characters actually in character? What do you think of Melanie? LET.ME.KNOW. okay thanks, bye!

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