Chapter 6

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The alarm clock on my night stand screams shaking me from my wonderful slumber. The sun peeks through my blinds hitting my face and I pull my pillow over my head denying the morning forces at work to get me up and out of bed.

I glance at my alarm clock from under my pillow and see that it’s only 6:45 am. Figuring in my head that if I sleep just 15 more minutes, rush around, forgoing about a shower, I can still make it to school on time. My eyes heavy with sleep I shut them once again.

Before I know it my dog, Tyson is yanking the sheets off my bed exposing my body to the chilly morning air; I cringe. “Fine I’m getting up you terrible dog.” I mutter playfully. My jade eyes glance in the direction of my alarm clock and I do a double take. “7:30?! Dammit!” I curse jumping out of bed with a new found energy along with a hot panic feeling that radiates through my body.

Dressed in a small light purple spaghetti strap dress and a pair of green flip flops, I run down the stairs but lose my balance tripping over my stupid shoes. I tumble down the stairs landing on my shoulder and hitting my head on the railing. “Ow that hurt like hell!” I grimace, rubbing my head already feeling the beginnings of a bruise and possibly a lump on my forehead.

“Melanie, are you okay?” my mother asks helping me to my feet. I glare at her. “Oh yeah, cause I make it a habit of running down the steps and nearly falling to my death.” I spit sarcastically. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” I scramble around gathering my books and homework in the living room.

“Well I thought you were sick and didn’t feel like you could go to school.” She answered innocently. I roll my eyes blowing a strand of hair out of my line of vision.

I grab the half eaten Nutri bar from her hands and hurry out the door making sure to grab my keys. I will never make it in time if I walk. I think to myself throwing my things into the passenger seat and start the engine. I feel uneasy being in the small car but I try and focus on getting to school as fast as I can.

I am just a block away from the school and it’s a race against the clock to make it to class on time. I turn hard into the student parking lot and make my way down the aisle finding an empty spot all the way in the back. “Of course”

Half running half walking I make it into the school doors before they lock. Only 5 more minutes; get to my locker then to class. I know in the back of my mind that I am never going to make it but I scurry to my locker anyway.

My fingers fly over my lock entering in my combination at lightening speed. I throw my books into my locker but before I can even reach for what I need…

“Excuse me miss but you need to get to class.” A stern voice spoke behind me. Turning slowly on the balls of my feet I come face to face with Charlie, the burley red headed security guard that monitors the halls during the day.

A frustrated sigh moves past my lips as I answer, “Sorry I…” he stops me short with his hand in my face. “No excuses. I’m going to have to give you a ticket.” Somebody takes his job a little too seriously. He flips out a note pad and starts writing.

“What’s your name young miss?” I roll my eyes shifting my weight from foot to foot impatiently; thinking this was all so unnecessary. “Melanie Harding” I say irritation ringing clearly from my voice.

“Okay Miss Harding, you’re going to have to stay after school today for detention for being late.” My jaw drops slightly. “But this is the first time I have been late all year.” The man before me adjusts the “police baton” around his waist shaking his head.

“That may be but you parked your car in an unauthorized parking space, also you don’t have a student parking pass.” He explains taking great pleasure in my shock and annoyance. I slap my palm to my forehead. He gives me my detention ticket and escorts me to my class.

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