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**Kirstie POV**
Before I walk into the house, I start to feel nervous and on the verge of tears again.

I tried calming myself down before I walk in, but Jeremy opened the door.

"Hey, why are you standing out here?" Jeremy asks.

I look up at him and tears start to fill my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asks.

"I have to talk to you about something." I say holding back tears.

Jeremy takes my hand and closes the door behind me, while walking us to the couch.

"What's going on?" Jeremy asks.

"I have to tell you something and I want you to promise you won't freak out." I say.

He nods. "Look at the ultrasound closely." I say pointing at the second baby.

"Twins!? How did we not notice this!?" Jeremy says.

"Mitch noticed it as soon as I showed him." I say.

"This this what you were afraid to tell me?" He asks.

"No...Mitch and I were talking about something that happened in Paris after Josh kidnap me...he...raped me..."

Jeremy goes silent for a moment as he just stares at me with a blank face.

"Look I understand if you're upset-"

"Babe, I'm not upset with you. I'm upset I couldn't stop this. Why did you do it?" Jeremy asks.

"My dad told him to and he made Mitch watch and sent the girls to another room." I say.

"Even if these aren't my babies, I will love them as my own." He says.

"That's another thing. It's possible for a woman to have sex with two different men and carry both of their children at the same time if it happens close together..."

"So, one of those babies could at least be mine?"

I nod and look away from him.

"What are we going to do if one of them is his?" I ask.

"We will raise it. He can't have custody because he's in prison." Jeremy says.

"What if he finds out?" I ask.

"Well, I think you should let him know, you know just in case, but we won't really know if he's the dad of one of both babies until they're born." He says.

I nod and lay on my head in his shoulder.

"I don't want to tell him."

**Jeremy POV**
"I don't want to tell him." Kirstie says.

"I understand." I say.

She gets up and heads upstairs to take a shower and take a nap as it's only three in the afternoon.

I understand where Kirstie is coming from not wanting to tell Josh that she might be pregnant with one or both of his babies, but I do think if he were to get out of prison that he should have a shot at being a dad.

I will love them regardless, but I believe he should be given the chance to be a dad.

I'm going to visit him in prison and let him know what's up.

I just can't let Kirstie find out.

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