Happily Ever After!

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               Do happy endings exist? Fairy tales often end after they were married and the Princess and Prince Charming will live happily ever after. But does it really happen in reality? A couple proved that stories never end after the wedding. This will only be the start of a tougher journey because you will only fully discover your partner’s real personality when you already live with him under the same roof. What you are seeing during your boyfriend-girlfriend stage is just 10% of their personality.

               This was proven by woman who was really dazed with the things that his husband was doing. He was very generous with his friends to the point that he was not even contributing to the expenses in the household. He also often stayed out with his friends to random bars every night. She was very worried about his husband that she couldn’t sleep when he is not yet in their house. She was afraid to approach his husband about this issue because he might get it all wrong and will cause a huge problem.

               Things had been this way for almost three months. Until such time that she couldn’t keep it to herself. A night when his husband had done it again, she madly retaliated and expressed what she was feeling. But to her surprise, his husband hugged her really hard that she can barely breathe. He saw his husband cried for the first time because when they were just on the stage of boyfriend-girlfriend, her husband hasn’t cried though they already faced some problems before. That moment, she did not force his husband to explain or defend his side about why he was doing that.

               The next morning, the man prepared a breakfast for them. Then he said to his wife while they were eating, “Finally you cared for me, I thought you don’t love me anymore”. Without the wife’s knowledge, his husband was only doing that to test if his wife if she really cares with what he was doing or anything about him. For the past three months, things did not go to what he had expected that a newly wedded couple could be. Because he felt that after their marriage, his wife changed a lot. They became distant from each other. And from very affectionate and loving girlfriend became a cold and emotionless wife that he could not recognize and as if they were two different persons living together.

               That day, they talked and settled all the things between the two of them. They were strangely at the stage of adjustment and transition period, from being the too sweet relationship to a more serious one.

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