Chapter 2 - Kidnapped

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Claire's body guards would go to their graves before admitting it, but they were both staring in awe at the beauty of the alpha's daughter as she stood in the light of the full moon. That's what prevented them from noticing the looming threat sooner.

As the intruders rushed forward, Claire's guards threw themselves in front of Claire and Sophia to protect them, but they were outnumbered and unable to fend off their attackers for long.

The guests in the ballroom began screaming and scattering away from the dance floor as they realised that the castle had been penetrated.

Claire turned and ran, trying to get through the masses of people who trampled over each other toward the far end of the dining hall and toward escape.

But someone from behind grabbed her by the hair and pulled her backward. Claire lost her footing and fell onto her knees.

"Who do we have here?" Her assailant sneered as Claire tried to crawl away. The rogue stomped on her ankle to subdue her, and Claire cried out in pain as it was crushed.

"Woah, where do you think you're going little whore?". Claire gasped in agony as the man latched onto her ankle with his hands and twisted her onto her back, pulling her toward him.

"Let go of me!" She screamed.

In desperation Claire tried to break free of the rogue's grasp, but she was not strong enough. She had not been through any training like her brothers had, and even so his sheer size was double hers.

"I've got her!" The rogue yelled, alerting the others.

Suddenly, from behind him, a massive beast of a man lunged forward, even taller and broader than the first rogue, pushing him aside to glare down at Claire.

Claire was speechless, taking in the beast's powerful frame and devilishly handsome face. His hair was short and dark brown, and his eyes were green and filled with hatred and rage. Claire felt unable to move under the intensity of his stare.

Leaning down, his strong arms picked her up effortlessly as if she weighed nothing. The beast rogue studied her face for what seemed like the longest time as Claire whimpered in fear. And although she began to struggle, Claire was powerless to move from within his grasp.

And even as she trembled with fear,  she felt it almost instantly as he held her and she breathed in his scent.

Warmth seeped into her body and core, overwhelming her senses so much so that she found it difficult to see and concentrate clearly. And the places where his skin came into contact with hers felt like she had been shocked with electricity.

"No", she whispered, cringing in fear.

At once she knew what this meant, and what the energy pulsing through her promised.

This male was her mate.

Claire could tell that he felt it too, as he seemed shocked and angry, his nostrils flaring as he drew in her scent and growled menacingly.

But before she had the chance to say anything, to scream or shout or protest, he placed a cloth to her lips and nose.

And as she gasped in the strong scent emanating from the cloth in an effort to continue to breathe, she felt her consciousness slipping away as she gazed into the dark, beautiful, frightening eyes of her captor.

Kidnapped By An AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now