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I started hearing voices a couple days ago. After my seventh birthday.

I don't know why. I just can. It's not all the time though. Just here and there. But they're happy voices. I made them my friends. At least I think so. I'm also not sure if they can hear me. I think they can cause they answer me sometimes.

My mom doesn't believe me. She thinks that I'm just making it up. But she just rolls with it. I have told my dad but he doesn't care. My brother is another story. First you have to know that we were really close before this. Now it's like he hates me. He thinks I'm only doing it for attention. Which I'm not.

The worse part is when I'm at school. I get in trouble a lot. It's not fair. I'm just talking to the voices. The class laughs at me behind my back. I do have one friend. Her names Clover. I call her Clove. She calls me Loon sometimes.

I'm like a sister to her because she doesn't have any siblings. She believes me. Ever word I've told her. That's why she's my best friend. Other then the other kids thinking I'm crazy. Which I'm not.

I can hear voices.

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