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They kicked me out when I was sixteen.

My mother, my father

Mom, dad

They threw me out like I was trash

Like I was nothing

All the "I love you"'s, were they fake?

Just another cruel joke to take

From life, from existence

Cause it's my only sin:


Apparently that was enough to be thrown out

All alone in the streets

No family left, only a disease

That I carry, that I don't want to be cured of

I don't feel like a woman.

This body's fake.

My reflection? Not who I am

My emotions? Not for a man

"You're not the little girl we raised!", they said.

Guess they were right.

I've always been a little boy.

And without them I became more.

Without them I became myself.

Zoé, the 11.09.17

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