Chapter 12

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Perrie's POV

"Pleaseee perriee"  jesy said while holding my arm

"Ughh who will take care of my kids!" I said and they opened the door my eyes widened

"Is that enough for you?" Jesy asked

I looked at them wow they're complete there's niall, harry, liam and louis

"Uncles!!!" I heard the twins said

"Oh i think we can go now to the bar" she said and i just nod

"K i'll just take a shower " i said and walked to our bathroom i took a shower and dressed myself i did a simple makeup and ready to go.

"Come on now" i said

We three arrived at the bar and i saw people widely partying humping and kissing wth

"Ugh i hate the sight" i said and they just giggled

"Oh come on lets get drunk its been so long" jesy said and i nod and party

"Drink drink drink" they shouted while im drinking my fourt glass

"Fuck i think i need to wee" i said and they nod

"Do you want me to join you?" They asked

"Nah im good" i said and started to walked to the bathroom but after i entered it someone held my wrist tightly and pinned me in the wall then he started to kiss my neck fuck

"Fuck alex get off me" i said trying to push him but he is so strong.

"No sweetie we will enjoy this night" he said and  starting to unzip my dress and in one swift move im already just on my underwear fuck

"No fuck help! He-" i stopped when he slapped my ass

" try to shout or ill punish you more" he said and he started to rubbed his bulge on my front im already crying but he's still not stopping

"Help" i said silently and he begun to thrust his member into mine and im crying i feel like im so dirty now

"Stop it alex please" i said but he just ignore me

"Fuck babe youre so tight for me" he said

"No! Get off me" i said weakly

"Jade help me" i said silently and with that someone punched alex in the face causing him to pull out his member into mine and he fell to the ground the girl just punching him in the face

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you" i heard the girl said wait what?!

I looked at the girl and i saw the familiar shade of brown i used to fell inlove before, no it cant be im just surely drunk

"J-Jade?" I asked and she nod

"No you're not real" i said and giggled then my eyes starting to close itself and turn into blackness i cant see anyone anymore.


Suggest me a good jerrie stories with a happy ending😉❤

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