Chapter 13

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Perrie's POV

I woke up at my room i groaned when i felt my head is aching ugh

"What the fuck happened last night" i said

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you" my eyes widened when i remember her eyes and voice

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you"

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you"

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you"

The words she said to me has been repeating in my head

"No fuck is that even real?!" I asked

"Baba its alright dont cry im here for you"

"Ughh" i said and rubbed my head

i looked at my bedside and i saw the stickynote fuck the handwritted looks like jade's

"Baba im so sorry for what happened yesterday hope youre doing good ill explain to you everything please dont get mad at me drink your medicine"


"No shit its fucking real" i said and closed my eyes im not freakin dreaming

"Am i happy or mad at her? No im just sad" i said to myself

"I will never get mad at her im sure she have a reason for everything" i said and get up i brushed my teeth and walked outside my room

"Mom!" I heard gab said

"Baby" i said and kissed his forehead

"Where's gabbie?" I asked

"She's still sleeping" she said

"By the way i saw ms. Jade last night in your room wow you actually know her mom she's nice right?!" He asked and gulped if only they knew

"Uhm.. baby what is she looks like?" I asked trying to sure everything that she's really here last night

"Uh she's beautiful mom! And nice so caring and sweet she actually sleep on the couch lastnight and then leave earlier" he said

"Oh" i said trying to process everything

"By the way mom she give this to me she said to give it to you" he said and give me a letter

"Okay thanks son did you eat your breakfast?" I asked and he nod

I walked to our coach and sat there i opened the letter and read it

Dear Pez,

       Babe im so sorry i know you still cant believe on what is happening right now but i have reason perrie and im willing to tell it to you hope youre willing to listen too
        Im happy that i saw you last night and actually talked to you but i know you cant remember what really happened last night and im sad to see you hurting pez i hope you can still forgive me on everything
       Baby im willing to wait later at the rooftop of our apartment before, come here at 9:00 pm i'll wait you! if you dont go, i'll still understand maybe next time but i'll wait until i can.
         I miss you baby
                             -your jade.

After reading it i feel like crying but still frustrated on why she need to fake her death and lied to me or maybe not? But still im sad why she didnt just said to me i thought she trust me

"Mom why you look like sad?" Gab asked and hugged me

"Im sorry baby im okay dont worry" i said and kissed him

Am i really okay?


I already know what will be the ending of this story😉

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