Chapter 25

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Perrie's POV

Its been an hour but jade is still not here i thought she'll be here soon? She's making me worried

I contacted jesy

"Hello?" I asked

"Perrie! We're now going there? Do you have news about gab?" She asked

"No the doctor is still not yet done" i said

"Okay we're on our way" she said


"By the way how's jade?" She asked and my eyebrows furrowed

"Wait i thought you are with her?" I asked

"What?! She didnt tell you?" She asked

"Tell what?" I asked

Jade's POV

When i opened the curtains i saw gab looking like he is sleeping he looked so pale and so tired i held his hand and kissed his forehead

"Baby i hope you'll get better soon" i said but i stopped when the doctor held my shoulder and mouthed the word "are you ready?" And i just nod and i am still holding gab's hand

"I love you gab" i said and closed my eyes

I felt and injection inject me causing me to closed my eyes and i felt so sleepy

Perrie's POV

"That she's the kidney donor of gab" she said and i felt my heart stopped and the tears fall from my eyes

"W-What?!" I asked

"Perrie!!!" I heard jesy said and she's running closer to me then she hugged me

"Why she didnt told me about that" i said while punching jesy

"Shhhh perrie! I know she willingly wanted to help his son" she said and i sob

"But she should talked to me about her plan!" I said and cried hardly i cant accept the fact that my two love ones are on the same room fighting for their life

"Shhh" jesy said trying to comfort me

I remember the day when i pushed jade and throw the food she's giving to me, i felt really bad that time because i know she's also hungry that time but she think about me first than her ownself

Fuck jade why you are so nice and willing to sacrifice your life just for us

And i even shouted her and tell her to leave me but the truth is i dont know what i am going to do without her by myside its so hard living a life without her

When she hugged me but i just pushed her fuck what if that'll be the last time she'll hug me

I know i really hurt her feelings because of the things i told to her

I remember the day when we're still so happy together what if it'll  just be remained us our memory and it wont happened again

I looked at the ceiling and im starting to lose hope but i remember what jade told me earlier

"Be strong"

This is the only word im holding on right now what ever happens i'll do my best to be strong

After 20 minutes the doctor already exited the operating room and my heart is pumping fastly

"The patients family" he said and we all nod

"There's a good news and bad news" he said and my heart dropped


What do you think guys? Im so sorry for the next chapter hope you still forgive me😥

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